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Ruled by Uranus, the planet of unexpected and unusual, Aquarians are the most original sign in the zodiac. You have a unique sense of style, because standing out is important to you. You also don't get upset as much as your friends do, because you rationalize the issues at hand before freaking out.

Lucky Colors: Electric blues and greens.

Trademark (according to YM): Unique fashion sense.

Best Feature: Your hair.

Why You're Sexy: Innovative, independent, and a bit idiosyncratic, you don't mind shocking people if
you feel that's the only way you can make a point. Guys are turned on by your daring what-the-heck style.

But Look Out: You're so caught up in your own world that you don't even realize
when you've left your sweetie behind and can't understand why he's upset.

Who's that gurl? Elle Choi: Born February 7, 1979