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Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, so you're usually the one to lead others. Aries are good at launching new projects and ideas -- just not quite as good about following through with lofty plans. You need to keep busy to be happy -- boredom is something that often gets you into trouble, because you are likely to do something dramatic to stir up action. You are also impulsive, often saying things you later regret, even though it seemed like the right thing to say at the time.

Lucky Colors: Red, white, and every shade of pink in between.

Trademark (according to YM): You change boyfriends like outfits.

Best Feature: Your mouth.

Why You're Sexy: You've got a zest for life that's totally contagious.
You'll try almost anything once, and guys find that daring sense of adventure intoxicating.

But Look Out: You tend to get bored once the thrill of the chase is over.

Who's that guy? Hideaki Takizawa: Born March 29, 1982