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Ruled by Mercury, planet of intelligence and communication, Geminis are symbolized by the twins in astrology. That means you tend to have two opinions about things -- you have trouble making a decision and even more trouble sticking to it. And since you have the energy of two people, you're always on the go. You have an incredibly low threshold for boredom and will go out and get into trouble unless you have specific things to do at all times.

Lucky Colors: Black, white, and yellow.

Trademark (according to YM): The phone in your hand.

Best Feature: Your eyes.

Why You're Sexy: You're a kaleidoscope of interests and talents.
Because you're always revealing new facets of yourself, you keep guys intrigued and coming back for more!

But Look Out: Your need for space in relationships can make it difficult for a guy to feel close to you.

Who's that gurl? Joey Yung: Born June 16, 1980