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Symbolized by the lion in the zodiac, Leos are known to have a flair for the dramatic. And ruled by the sun, you love to bask in the spotlight -- think Jennifer Lopez and Madonna! Totally into being surrounded by admirers, you love hosting parties and get-togethers. Athletic, ambitious, and intensely loyal -- albeit a little stubborn -- Leos love life and try to get as much out of it as possible.

Lucky Colors: Sunny oranges and yellows.

Trademark (according to YM): You're the girl who is always hogging the mirror.

Best Feature: Your hair.

Why You're Sexy: You're a rising star who bursts with exuberant charm. Guys are drawn to your spotlight.

But Look Out: It's hard for you to admit when you're wrong.

Who's that gurl? Amei Cheung: Born August 9, 1972