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Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, is your planetary ruler, so you are into luxurious things such as sleeping late, makeup, and good food. Librans are among the most stylish people in the zodiac -- think Gwyneth Paltrow. Looking fabulous is important to you, so you always wear the latest trends. You also tend to gab about your big plans, but rarely see them through to the end. This is because of your indecisiveness: Like the scales that represent your sign, you're always tipping back and forth on issues in your life.

Lucky Colors: Pastel blues and pinks.

Trademark (according to YM): Super-long showers -- you take forever to get ready.

Best Feature: Your curves.

Why You're Sexy: Elegant and always in the social thick of things,
you're the most wanted girl in the room -- and your guy loves to brag!

But Look Out: You hate to fight, so you let guys get away from bad behavior instead of calling them on it.

Who's that gurl? Yoon Eun Hye: Born October 10, 1984