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Jupiter, the optimistic planet of thinking big, rules your world -- just look at Britney and Christina, two Sags who have taken the world by storm! You're chatty, outgoing, and fun to be around, making you indispensable to friends and family members. Being as enthusiastic about life as you are, you usually take on more challenges than other people and get better results, because you don't like losing. Guess that's why you make a great team member or cheerleader.

Lucky Colors: Purples and dark blues.

Trademark (according to YM): You love animals.

Best Feature: Your teeth.

Why You're Sexy: You have a cheerful, can-do spirit and a natural, unpretentious style that guys find interesting.

But Look Out: In your effort to be honest, you've been known to blurt out remarks that guys take the wrong way.

Who's that guy? Tachibana Keita: Born December 16, 1985