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Pluto, the planet of transformation and renewal, controls your fate, which means that Scorpios are constantly changing and growing -- even when it doesn't seem like anything is happening. You're easygoing and low-key, but you still manage to experience the mundane things in life with lots of emotional intensity. Protective of your needs and often very secretive, you take a long time to trust those around you. But when you finally open up, you get really close really fast.

Lucky Colors: Dark red and black.

Trademark (according to YM): Your sexy style.

Best Feature: Your eyes.

Why You're Sexy: Utterly self-possessed and confident,
you project an I-don't-care-what-you-think attitude that's like guy catnip.

But Look Out: You internalize your feelings when he hurts you instead of addressing them with him.

Who's that gurl? Kwon Boa: Born November 5, 1986