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The Five Girl
You're adventurous, brave, and can face the stickiest sitches with a smile on your face. Nothing gets you down, and your quickwitted, upbeat personality always cheers up your friends at their most miserable times. You're multi-talented and are always doing a million things; only prob is that you might blow off tasks you find mundane and boring. (When was the last time you cleaned out your closet, for instance?!)

Lucky Color: Blue

Lucky Day: Thursday

Your Ideal Guy: Number 5, He's fun and exciting -- just like you!

Your Love Style: Guys are drawn to your goofy but down-to-earth personality. You're tons of fun and
are always in great demand socially. The original free spirit, you're energetic, restless,
and difficult to pin down. You're not really into the idea of having a
24/7 relationship -- that's why even if you've been dating a guy forever, you'll
never be one of those girls who can't make a move without her boyfriend.

The Five Guy
At his best... he's a man of many faces and can be anything you want him to be. He's totally hilarious!

At his worst... he's got the attention span of a flea and can't stand being bored for a second.

Impress him by... laughing at all his jokes (even the totally surreal ones!).