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The Four Girl
Loyal, honest, and reliable, you are one of life's dependable types. You're tough, too, and you're not afraid to dig in when there's dirty work to be done. Yet despite your solid determination and single-mindedness, you are never inconsiderate toward others. You have a deep respect for authority -- parents and teachers probably love you. You are a faithful friend and have the ability to see everybody's good side.

Lucky Color: Green

Lucky Day: Wednesday

Your Ideal Guy: Number 6. He's a softies whom you can boss
around to your heart's content. (Not that we advocate that or anything!)

Your Love Style: You have a practical, sensible, and cautious outlook and this extends to all areas of your life,
including romance.You're extremely picky when it comes to relationships and need to
be able to totally trust a guy before you become involved with him.
Because you don't flirt like crazy with every guy who comes along, only you
and the people closest to you know how warm and affectionate you can be.
Once in a relationship, you're an ideal girlfriend -- considerate and loving.

The Four Guy
At his best... he's faithful, honest, and completely dependable.

At his worst... his predictability can be boring at times, and he's kind of a goody-goody.

Impress him by... showing your serious, sophisiticated side. He's not into girls who are loud, crude, or raucous.