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The One Girl
Clever, adaptable, and a born leader, you're good at almost anything you try. You're probably the envy of all your friends. Because of your tough, determined nature, people who don't know you well sometimes miss the fact that you're also considerate, warm-hearted, and a great friend. Close buds know the true you, and they'll always come to cry on your shoulder!

Lucky Color: Red

Lucky Day: Sunday

Your Ideal Guy: Number 9. You love brainy dudes, and this guy definitely fits the bill.

Your Love Style: Since you're so outgoing and confident, chances are you don't have much trouble
attracting boys. Guys adore you -- many from afar (not all of them are
brave enough to approach you!). When you've found one who's worthy, you're warm
and loving. With a new boyfriend, you always have fun, but sometimes you
can get bored when you've been in a relationship for a while.

The One Guy
At his best... he's clever, multi-talented, and a fab friend. A hilarious story-teller, he's kind and generous to a fault.

At his worst... he can be stubborn and sometimes conceited.

Impress him by... being totally upfront. If you're into him, don't be shy; tell him. He'll love you for it!