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The Seven Girl
You are sensitive and thoughtful, and a bit of a loner by nature. But although you may appear anti-social, you really just cherish your privacy and feel more comfortable when you're not surrounded by a gaggle of people you'd rather not be with. Many of the world's greatest writers and philosophers have this number -- you're so deep! Friends always turn to you for advice, because they know you're wise beyond your years.

Lucky Color: Gray

Lucky Day: Saturday

Your Ideal Guy: Number 3. He can bring you out of your shell.

Your Love Style: Because of your air of mystery, guys are always fascinated by you, but
not many of them are persistent enough to pursue you. It can take a
while for a guy to get to know the real you, but once he
gets past your cool facade, he'll discover that you're sensitive, funny, and up
for anything. It's likely that you haven't had that many relationships, but it's
not quantity that matters as far as you're concerned -- it's quality.

The Seven Guy
At his best... he's a real individual, and he's sensitive, strong-minded, and deep-thinking.

At his worst... he's such and individual that he might come across as a freak.

Impress him by... being cool and independent. The less girlie you are, the more he'll dig you.