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The Six Girl
You are totally idealistic and always eager to make everything run as smoothly as possible. You are also kind, thoughtful, responsible, and cheerful, making you one fo the most loved and loving numbers. Despite your high energy, you aren't overly ambitious. A total team player, you're more concerned with helping others suceed than becoming personally successful. You are also sometimes too nice for your own good -- watch out, or less considerate types could walk all over you.

Lucky Color: Purple

Lucky Day: Friday

Your Ideal Guy: Number 4. He's got your back and will never, ever let you down.

Your Love Style: You're romantic and sensitive, so love is an important part of your life.
Guys dig you, because you're friendly, sexy, and totally charming. You've never been short
of male admirers, but sometimes you have difficulty blowing off boys you're not into.
Once in a relationship, you've got high standards for your guy -- no flakes allowed!
If he can't cut it, you won't stay interested for long.

The Six Guy
At his best... he's loving, considerate, happy-go-lucky, and a perfectly adorable little cutie!

At his worst... he's a bit too cute for his own good sometimes.

Impress him by... complimenting his looks and commenting on his great wit and insight. He's a sucker for flattery.