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The Three Girl
One of your most noticeable qualities is your charisma. Friendly and outgoing, you're the life and soul of the party (and you know where all the parties are, too!). You love getting out, meeting new people, and learning new things. Folks are naturally drawn to your upbeat personality. Your ever-present optimism will ensure that everything you touch will suceed.

Lucky Color=Yellow

Lucky Day: Tuesday

Your Ideal Guy: Number 7, He may not be a party guy, but his poetic spirit speaks to your secret, soulful side.

Your Love Style: You're definitely not the type to pine away, obsessing over one guy.
Love is supposed to be fun, right? You enjoy being in the limelight
and seem to have limitless energy, so guys never fail to notice you.
Despite your outgoing nature, though, you're secretly terrified of rejection, but this doesn't
stop you from going after guys you like. In a close relationship, your
cheerful outlook can liven up even the most jaded boy.

The Three Guy
At his best... he loves an adventure. He's a cheerful kind of guy, forever optimistic, and incredibly lucky in every area of life. Sounds good, right?

At his worst... he has a terminal case of foot-in-mouth disease.

Impress him by... doing something pretty impulsive. He likes girls who are as free and easy as he is.