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The Two Girl
You're an easy-going, good-natured type: placid, calm, and kind. You hate any sort of selfish behaviour and would run a mile to avoid confrontation. Sometimes you find it hard to stand up for yourself and be firm with other people (you'd hate for someone not to like you). Most people are instantly attracted to you because of your sympathetic nature and fun-loving ways.

Lucky Color: Orange

Lucky Day: Monday

Your Ideal Guy: Number 8. He's totally devoted, which you love.

Your Love Style: You're incredibly romantic and passionate about love. This makes you a guy magnet,
and you rarely lack for guy friends and admirers. The only downside? You're prone
to getting swept away by an exciting guy who may not be quite right
for you. Although you're a natural flirt, once you're in a relationship, you're faithful
to the max. You're very giving and are the sweetest, most generous girlfriend around.

The Two Guy
At his best... he's laid-back, majorly cuddly, warm-hearted, always sympathetic, and never selfish.

At his worst... He has trouble making up his mind. And he isn't the most responsible guy around either.

Impress him by... showing him how chill you can be. He likes girls who are relaxed and can have a good time.