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My Personality Disorder Quiz


-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

Which Diamond Shape Are You?

Which Cake Are You?
What dessert are you? Find out @!

There's no two ways about it - you're really nice. You consider others before yourself and aren't afraid to stand up for people you care about. Relationships are important to you, and the friendships you have are for life.
Are you NASTY or NICE?
Quiz made by Angela

What kind of ANGEL are you?
Quiz made by Angela

Are you too picky? She's average!
Quiz made by Angela

Which Care Bear Are You?

You represent... naivete. So innocent and trusting... you can be very shy at times, but it's only because you're not sure how to act. You give off that "I need to be protected vibe." Remember that not all people are good. Being too trusting will get you easily hurt.
Which Feeling Do You Represent?

What kind of Flirt Are You?

You are the classy pin-up! You are everything sophisticated and refined about the entire era. You exude class and dignity.
What Type Of Retro Gal Are You?

-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're the kind of chick that can hang out with your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't care about presents or about going to fancy placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?

Which Make Up Brand Are You?

What Color Chi Are You?

You have a beautiful soul! These are rare and very special. One who has a beautiful soul had beauty inside and out, and are always very kind. You may be the one who always applies make-up to look better and achieve certain standards, but you look just as gorgeous without makeup. You take pride in yourself because you know that you are worth better. Sometimes you preen in front of the mirror for hours, but youre never too busy to help someone. Everyone loves you and you love them back, with a lot of friends, and popularity. But you didnt get it because of your clothes-you got it because there seems to be a radiance around you, a sort of glow, that attracts people to do better and be better.
What Kind Of Soul Do You Possess?

You're Element is Earth. You like plants and flowers and have a very natural looking beauty. You are a very innocent and maybe naive person but it's only the erks in this world that take advantage of you because you are a jewel in this world of rocks. You have many friends and they all enjoy you as much as you do them. You are skilled with your hands and would be able to last in a more remote home.
What's Your Element?

What's Your Outlook on Life?

What Does Your Life Center Around?

You are: Chopper-type.
You feel a craving for love, affection, and attention. However, for some reason, you.are so convinced that you're unlovable that you try to shut others out. This confuses people around you, because, guess what? You're just about the cutest thing since the Easter Bunny and the sweetest thing since C&H. For some reason everyone knows it but you. People love your kindness and your willingness to care for others. Why not let them return the favor sometime?
You are very innocent and shy. Sex is not as important to you as friendship and affection in general, and ultimately you find snuggling up with a loved one the most fulfilling of any activity. You love having attention and care, for instance, having your hair brushed, your nails done, or being bathed. Little things like that become very intimate and meaningful to you. As well they should be-- it's hard to earn your trust, and if you let someone close enough to you to clean your ears with one of those little poky sticks it says a lot about how you feel for them.
You are most compatible with: A Luffy-type has the same sort of feelings about friendship and love being the same as you. A Sanji-type would give you all the love and attention you crave, too..
Advice: Let someone make you their little teddy bear.
What's Your One Piece Doujinshi Personality?

Which Element Goddess Are You?

Hey Look I'm a Exotic Angel...What Angel Are You?

I'm Angelic Cute!!
Which Cuteness-Type Are You? made by Jen

what's your inner flower?
[c] sugardew