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Friday, 9 June 2006
I'll watch you fall and laugh at you as you writhe in pain.
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Howie Day - She Says
I made porridge today. I am so proud of myself. Of course I had to call my dad and asked him the proper methods so that I would not screw up. It is surprising how I could usually manage to finish a cup of rice, steamed. However when it is made into porridge it seems that it can feed 3 or 4 people. Basically I made too much for myself. Hopefully my other housemates will help finish it.

* * * * *

In other news, once again my human imperfection caused me to actually care about people that would never ever give a rip about it or even want to heed my advise which would have been able to help them greatly in their situation. Even if they thought they knew best for themselves they could have at least say "Thank you for your concerns, however I think that I know better as to how to handle my situation". All I get is being shut off. My natural human reaction would be to beat the crap out of these kind of people for their ungrateful behaviour not to mention rude. However because of the fact that I am a christian, I not only have to restrain myself from doing such things, I have to not be angry and also forgive them.

I tell you the truth. I will be very entertained to see what happens to them.

These are the people whom I will feel even better walking past them when they are on the floor reaching out to anyone to help them up.

published by pneoxian at 6:18 PM JST
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