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Friday, 30 June 2006
No One To Blame But Yourself
Now Playing: Speaks are off. Housemate is using the washing machine which craps out my speakers.
I used to think that people who do bad things would always get away with it and live the good life, making other people miserable. I used to think that these people will always get what they want eventhough they do not deserve it.

I cannot remember if I have blogged it before but please forgive me if I seem to repeat myself. Back in high school I started going out with a girl and it all seem to go along, running its course and all. When my then best friend, Simon started his acts. He tried to break us apart and succeeded. He started off saying things to me like she was not attractive and alot of other bad things about her which I did not care about. I guess failing this, he then went on to her and told her things about me that may or may not have been true. They started going out behind my back but I already knew something was up. I decided to get them both to confess to me about it. Surely enough they did. Being the person I was, I just let things happen the way they were. I had no ill will on both of them for I thought to myself, if she left me for him, he probably was better of a boyfriend than I was. As time went by, their relationship went rough and as a caring friend I tried to help their relatioship whenever either of them talked to me about their problems. In this period of time I was able to see both of their true colors which made me feel glad that it happened the way it did for if Simon did not take her from me, I might have had to put up with what he went through with her. So in a way he screwed himself over. Later on one time, I do not know if it was to try to get to me, he told me he had sex with her. I was disappointed with what they did but hey it was not really any of my business anymore. What really made me upset was that knowing that he was cheating behind her back not with just one girl, but a few girls, one after another. Now this was none of my business at all so I left it at that. You would think a person who cheats behind his girl's back would try to keep a low profile of his activities so that no one will know. Well he was having a good time doing it in front of all our high school mates. One way or another it eventually got to her and she dumped him. As ironic as it was, he, Simon, was not hestitant to blame me for the whole incident. He blamed me for breaking them up, for telling her about him cheating on her. Right, so a person who had no grudges and the desire to help them out did all that? *Sigh* I would have love to receive credit for that, but I did not do anything.

I guess a person who has too much pride, who cannot accept his ego being shattered would always have to blame someone else. Preferably someone who would not retaliate, someone who he thought was weak. I guess that was me. I decided to confront him a long while after that whole incident wanting to discuss it and clear his accusations he had of me. So he agreed with stipulations of "no men, no weapons". I wondered what was that all about, but yeah I agreed. On the day of the meeting, guess what? He showed up with 3 of his friends waiting in the car and he was showing off his swiss army knife. I guess he was trying to intimidate me but it did not work. So he brought all his accusations out and I cleared all of them without effort because believe it or not, I was in fact innocent. When he could not find anymore things to accuse me with, one of his friends came out of the car and started to talk big with me claiming that they are members of a triad and to not mess with them. I really applaud their performance. However I have been studying human reactions and behaviours since I realized my existence and I did not buy their act. Neither of them could even look me in the eye when talking to me. So with a failed attempt, he left threatening me not to mess with him.

Of course this time around I did not leave it at that for I was really angry that he had the guts to arrange a meeting when breaking his own rules. I called up a few friends of my own who could have fixed him up for a price. Just incase he tried to mess with me again. He never did though. I heard from our friends that he was talking big about threatening me and all that.

* * * * *

Recently I heard from one of my best friends from high school that he was no longer friends with Simon as well. Apparently two years back while my friend was in Form 6, he met a girl and he liked the girl and wanted to ask her out. Sure enough Simon found out about this and also did the same thing he did to me; he told the girl nasty things about my friend which led to her rejecting him. Only a few days ago somehow my friend managed to clear things up with the girl and found about what Simon did. The good news is that my friend and the girl are finally together. The even better news according to my friend is that Simon's true colors have finally been noticed by the rest of our high school mates and apparently they are boycotting him. I do not know how much of these are true but I doubt that it was all made up.

I have always said that if he will not change his behaviour, he will lose more than just friends.

Ego and pride is a very dangerous thing to play with.
A good friendship takes a long while to be built and it built well, it will last a lifetime. However it is also very easy to be destroyed by treacherous acts. We should value our friends and treat them like real people. We should treat them how we would wish to be treated. In fact we should treat anyone the same way we would wish anyone to treat us.

We have nobody to blame for our failures but our ownselves. We make our own decisions. We control our own bodies.

A person who blame others is not strong enough to admit his own mistakes.

published by pneoxian at 8:15 PM JST
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