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Friday, 7 July 2006
See Werld!
So I slept at around 2am this morning and woke up at 7am this morning. My aunt drove me to Sea World. She dropped me off there while she went to work nearby. Which meant that she would only pick me up after she finished work. Which meant that I had no choice but to be at Sea World for more than 7 hours. *Sigh*

I went to see everything except participate on the rides; rollercoasters, flumes and the like. The best parts of Sea World were their live shows involving dolphins and seals. They were so cute especially the seals. I have taken a lot of pictures which I will be uploading onto my team blog later when I get back to Melbourne.

Oh I forgot to mention that I am currently visiting my aunt in Brisbane for 7 days. Today is the 3rd day and so far it has been relaxing. Due to me not wanting to come out of the house to go here and there like she wanted me to hehe.

* * * * *

The things that I have done for my aunt today which I am glad that I did.
1. I managed to get her to use a more efficient emailing way.
2. Taught her how to use msn messenger.
3. Solve a problem, whereby enabling her to use a better set of speakers compared to her current ones.

published by pneoxian at 9:30 PM JST
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