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Wednesday, 25 October 2006
I Am Zeus!
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: Nan Quan Ma Ma - Mu Dan Jiang
So... I thought the last time I bought a new computer, it was going to last me at least a couple of years. I guess I was somewhat right. Lightning fried my computer's motherboard last Friday while I was out. It was like the biggest lightning and thunder ever experienced in a long while. So huge that I heard it while I was in the shopping complex not too far away from my house. When it hit, I was like "there goes my computer". I hated being right at that time.

This must have gone into the umpteenth time my computer get strucks by lightning in my entire history of owning computers. I hate my house's location, as in why does it have to be the lightning hotspot?

Earth, wind and fire... heed my call!

I finally managed to get everything working in order. It was kind of a hassle with the hardware and all. I'll explain in person if any of you are interested in details.

* * * * *

Monday, my friend Bee Lee organized a trip to the Euro Theme Park right beside that same shopping complex I was at on Friday. Those who came were the Youth members of my church. One of them included a special someone who was the reason why I went in the first place. I tell you the truth, I was never fond on rides. So I did not go on any of them. However the theme park event was just the beginning of what I would like to think, one of my best nights ever. I got to spend quality time with her eventhough it was short lived, by the rain. It looked like something out of a movie where the rain ruined the whole moment or something but oh well. Whatever time I had with her is as usual, more than I could ever hope for.

published by pneoxian at 11:32 AM JST
Updated: Wednesday, 25 October 2006 11:39 AM JST
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