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Thursday, 26 October 2006
I Saved The Day Again! However...
It is just one of those days where arguments happen in the household. Again my mother tries to defy what I say , which is like defying the laws of gravity. I had been explaining to both my parents over and over again as to the many tests I had done to determine if our internet account was working or if there was something wrong with my modem.

1. I tested my friends' (plural) internet account from my house with my modem and it worked.
2. I tested our internet account at my cousin's place with their modem. It did not work.

So it would have only meant that there was something wrong with our internet account. Just because my paternal cousin told my mom something different she believed him ever so faithfully. These are my parents for you. They will believe and praise everyone else except me.

So today the argument was about the internet still working and I again explained the reason why and the various tests I made to prove my theory. Again she did not seem to get it into her head. Naturally at this point of time anybody would just lose it and raise their voice. I did. She tells me not to shout at her and asks me why I am so angry. Other than the fact that I had explained to her thoroughly lots of times before and that she ALWAYS does not listen, gee I don't know... why would I be angry?

An hour ago I was on the phone being put on hold for the internet service provider technical support line. Apparently my 'session' with them never ended since that day my computer got fried. Well that made alot of sense. Anyways they reseted my connection and I am now able to use my internet account as usual. Well the customer service has come a lone way since they first started. The staff that attended to me was actually courteous and competent. Kudos to you TMNET!

So I felt that I should explain to my mother what happened just so that she would know. Of course she gave me that look where I did not make sense to her, as usual. She just had to somehow turn it into some form of argument so I just went back to my room to prevent from another useless argument happening. When it was time for dinner she tried again to pick a fight with me asking me why I had to buy such a high end computer. I told her that I still needed to edit images and videos and all that. She says that I did not need to since I did not plan to work in the creative field. Oh, so my interests and hobbies and possible portfolio additions are a waste of money too I guess. Mind you, this is coming from a person who spent shitloads of money buying new impractical computers and laptops for her 'work' which she usually uses for a little image editing (nothing like using effects and all that) and word processing. These computers she buy are Apple computers which costs more in total than all the total expense of my computers which I only upgrade necessarily (not purchase brand new ones).

My dad on the other hand thinks that the whole world is out to con him of his money. His theory was that the ISP people were using our account, and that when I called to ask about it, they quickly disconnected it and told them they reseted the line for me. Good Game.

published by pneoxian at 9:44 PM JST
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