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Tuesday, 5 December 2006
Work Work Work
Now Playing: Myself and 3 other friends - Rush The Sun
So I started work on Friday. It was something like being thrown into the deep end on the very first day of work. It was very hectic during lunch time towards tea time. Furthermore to make things worse, some of the staff were not around for the past 4 days due to different reasons each. So we were really understaffed. Currently the task I am assigned is front desk, which basically is just to usher customers to their seats and bring them the menus. However since that we do not have enough staff, I took the initiative to clear tables bring the bills as well as occasionally being asked to serve drinks and/or desserts.

On Saturday and Sunday it was not as hectic as Friday and I even had to work longer hours. There are two types of shifts for a day. They are either morning or afternoon shifts. The morning shifts will range from 9am/10am to 6pm and the afternoon shifts will range from 1pm to 10pm to 11pm. It never finishes at 10pm. However we do get overtime pay whenever we work more than 8 hours.

Well the work location is not so bad. One of my other friend works in the same building as well and when he is working, I would go chat with him during my break. The thing with my break is it always is at irregular hours because the I work at a cafe and yeah we cannot get the same lunch break time as everybody else because we need to serve them.

Yesterday while at work I had a strange sense that my mentor would come visit me during work and it did happen. She sms'ed me asking if she could come by to visit me. I suggested that she waited until my work was over and she agreed to it. It really made my day to see her and her daughter after a day's work. Yes I am interested in her daughter. I originally intended to buy a red rose for her, but it would seem too obvious to my mentor, so I bought my mentor a white rose as well. When I when to meet them at another cafe they ordered a slice of oreo cheesecake for me as a birthday cake... You know I saw that coming. I was really happy that they did such a sweet thing for me. I usually like eating oreo cheesecake, however since working at a cafe, I really lost my appetite for a lot of types of food.

My leg muscles have been aching everyday and a night's of sleep does not really help relieve the aching entirely. I expect my legs to be solid soon and also lose a little weight due to my lost of appetite.

published by pneoxian at 8:39 AM WST
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