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Saturday, 28 August 2004
Mood:  don't ask
ARGH you know I really hate dealing with computer hardwares... I really really hate dealing with computer hardwares. It is so time consuming to actually determine which piece of hardware is faulty and those crappy time frame of warrantee the shops give do not help much either. Who ever heard of a 7-day warrantee. It is not enough time for me to diagnose my system! I mean yeah if I had the whole 7 days of nothing else to do, sure I could get it done shorter than that but I have univershitty work to do on the computer.

Can you believe they charge AUD$50 just for them to take a look at it!? I thought RM30 already was daylight robbery in Malaysia.

So far I've narrowed the hardware trouble makers down to the motherboard and the video card. All I know is the shop better not think of charging me service fee to take a look at it or even think of selling me new hardware to replace these faulty ones.

I really despise problems happening to my important things that plays a large role in my life. If I did not need my computer to do my assignments I would just forget about it till later.

Datelines datelines and more datelines. Each subject's convenor does not give a damn about your other assignments or projects they just want their's done on time. Well if 4 or more of them think that way, wouldn't it just be 'nice' ? Well they do so its inevitable.

There is no place in life for 'if's. Everything happens whether we like it or not. The ball of life will keep rolling you cannot stop it only determine where it will go.

published by pneoxian at 12:50 AM JST
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