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Monday, 30 August 2004
Watching My Step
Mood:  accident prone
I got back my computer today. My friend had to actually get off work to go all the way to the computer shop to pick it up and bring it all the way to me. Mind you these places are very far from each other. So in order to show my appreciation I made for him a burger, Malaysian style. Like Ramly's Burger Special where they wrap the fried egg around the burger patty. Good thing he liked it.

Well the casing he picked for me was not really what I would go crazy over about but hey, I guess it is okay. At least it was not ugly. It scaringly looked like a dell casing @_@. but hey its black with some silver lining on the side. Well its hard to explain. So maybe when I am free I will take a picture and show it to you guys. I'm planning to take a picture of my workplace here because most all my computer parts are black and it just looks so cool!!!

I haven't tested out the performance of my pc yet. It usually hangs when I'm playing those heavy graphics game like Unreal Tournament 2004 and
Doom 3. Will test it later and if it does hang again, I'm just going to leave the games alone and get on with my assignments. Maybe it is a sign from God for me not to screw around and get serious with work.

I find it hilarious reading other people's blog especially when they post entries that nobody really likes reading. I don't know, what I know back home in old asian ways (well I learnt in high school) is that it is not good to laugh at other people's misfortunes or disablities. I don't care. I just laugh as I wish. I have the rights to express myself and nobody has the rights to tell me to shut up. Well unless they wanna get my boot up theirs.

Don't you just "love" reading blogs where a person keeps entering blogs about his/her own miserable life day to day and expressing their misery? It is as if that we do not have our own crap to handle everyday. I don't know if I do that often or not in my blog but I do my best to pick a topic and make it sound as interesting as possible.

Also I'm sure people like to read other people's minds. So I've opened a bit of my mind here for all to read. Hmm... maybe thats what those depressed people were doing as well. But the mundane-ness!!! Oh well.

I won't be having Merdeka Day because I'm not in Malaysia but 1st September marks the official first day of spring here which reminds me that I have to get a fan soon because it is quite warm already during day time.

published by pneoxian at 4:27 PM JST
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Saturday, 28 August 2004
Mood:  don't ask
ARGH you know I really hate dealing with computer hardwares... I really really hate dealing with computer hardwares. It is so time consuming to actually determine which piece of hardware is faulty and those crappy time frame of warrantee the shops give do not help much either. Who ever heard of a 7-day warrantee. It is not enough time for me to diagnose my system! I mean yeah if I had the whole 7 days of nothing else to do, sure I could get it done shorter than that but I have univershitty work to do on the computer.

Can you believe they charge AUD$50 just for them to take a look at it!? I thought RM30 already was daylight robbery in Malaysia.

So far I've narrowed the hardware trouble makers down to the motherboard and the video card. All I know is the shop better not think of charging me service fee to take a look at it or even think of selling me new hardware to replace these faulty ones.

I really despise problems happening to my important things that plays a large role in my life. If I did not need my computer to do my assignments I would just forget about it till later.

Datelines datelines and more datelines. Each subject's convenor does not give a damn about your other assignments or projects they just want their's done on time. Well if 4 or more of them think that way, wouldn't it just be 'nice' ? Well they do so its inevitable.

There is no place in life for 'if's. Everything happens whether we like it or not. The ball of life will keep rolling you cannot stop it only determine where it will go.

published by pneoxian at 12:50 AM JST
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Thursday, 26 August 2004
mRO is a disease
Mood:  irritated
Well, there are times where a person can express his happiness, sadness, worries and now its time for angriness. If there is even such a word. Well I am not really that angry but irritated and significantly annoyed.

Well it all started when I was still oblivious to online games. Yes you know? Online games where you play with a bajillion other people online probably from all over the world. One fine day, I went to my cousin's house and watched him play mRO (malaysian Ragnarok Online). I thought it might be interesting to try it after all it was free for that time. Then I slowly got hooked on it making me neglect everything else that needed attending. Everyday playing this game with my cousin online was kind of boring because I had to wait for him to actually be free and sometimes he would rather go adventuring with his own friends and leave me alone to play by myself which of course defeats the whole purpose of playing these kind of games online. I had a rather smart plan to actually get more of my own friends to play with me this game. Little did I know that it would actually cause so much damage and eventually backfire on me.

I first introduced this game to Shawn. Yeah that's right. The guy who I'm sharing a house with here in Australia who is studying the same subject as I am at university. He did not seem really keen on playing it so I got ahead of myself and introduced it to 2 other people from my college. In the end all three of them were adventuring with me. Little that I know that these people have been spreading the information of the game around when I had suggested them not to.

Well I do not know about them but for myself, this game slowly took control of me, the way how I think and affected my daily life severely and even turned me into an anti social and somewhat rude person. Anybody that would have disrupted my time playing this game would have been told off in a rather loud and rude way. I saw them as disturbing my concerntration as well as not giving peace but in reality I was being controlled by the game and to repel anybody who would potentially release me from this bondage I was suffering unconciously.

Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks, weeks turned in months. I was almost constantly playing that game neglecting my friends, my family, my college work and even God. I was under a spell I could not break free from. While being under this hypnotism I even lost my girlfriend. Well it was not directly us breaking up because I was too addicted to the game but more rather that I kept making up excuses not to spend more time with her or anybody else. I always had arguments with my mother over me spending too much time on the computer. Little did she know that the game had its endless pull on me.

But God did not let me drift away just like that. Somehow someway He made kept drawing me back to Him. Towards the end of this bondage, I suddenly became busy and occupied with other works that just could not be let down for the online game. The more work I had the less time I would have for the game. Eventually enabling me to lose the obsession for the game and I would only play it once in a while. When I was finally free, I could see all the damage that I had done to those people around me, the people whom I spreaded this disease to.

Two of my classmates constantly had arguments and ruined their friendship over this game. One of those two classmates failed some subjects and could not graduate the same time as the rest of us for she had to retake some subjects. One of my apprentices in music became moody, short tempered and anti-social while under the control of the game. He was even anti-social online! He did not want to share his problems to anyone. Keeping his anger to himself and thinking that playing that game would make him feel better. It is like a drug. You think taking more of it will help you feel better but it is actually destroying you.

The final blow that made me quit mRO forever was the unethical conducts that the players were practicing and they were so rude that I just dropped the whole thing and forgot about the whole game.

Shawn is still ever loyal to the game because he claims his friends are still playing as well. He does not realize or remember that I introduced the game to him and actually I helped him alot in the game and actually helped him formed a guild which he quietly self appointed himself as founder and head of the guild and just forgot about me like I was a nobody.

Today I found him playing mRO in his room. On our shared DIAL UP line. That really was like a slap to my face. He is the kind of guy who would keep himself in his room for hours just to play games and shuts himself off from the rest of the world not caring what is happening. Now he is starting to play the game after more than a month of us being here without internet. He is going to be in his room a whole lot often and I will be like living in this apartment sort of like alone because he will not interact with anything besides that game.

It also pisses me off when I hear people complain about the game and the unethical players in it, when they still go back into the game playing over and over again and complaining when they dont.

* * * * *

Our friends dropped by while I was typing this blog. They wanted to see how we were settling in this place and also passed me Doom 3 installer. NYAHAHAHA. What a temptation to play it now when I have a design to submit tomorrow. Nah, I have strong will power. When I set my mind to do something it will stay on that course till its finished.

published by pneoxian at 7:05 PM JST
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Tuesday, 24 August 2004
Laying The Bricks
Mood:  flirty
Well today started off normal I guess. Went for User Experience Design class which was so dry. I don't even know why I bother still going for this class. Week by week there seem to be less students attending it.

Shawn and I bought a printer today from the nearby computer shop. When we opened it we found out that the printer does not include a USB cable. I mean... what the heck is up with that!? What kind of printer does not include the cable to connect to your pc!? Canon laser printer. Sheeesh although it did sell for quite a good price.

Well the night seemed boring and ordinary until Eunice appeared and said 'Hi' to me. Usually when she is online she will not bother if I was online or not but this time she actually said 'Hi' first.
Chatted a bit till she and I got cut off. I got cut off because of this darn temporary dial up connection I have. Hers is because her computer crashed. I thought of ending it by sending her an sms. Right after I sent it, she came back online. D'oh. Oh well. Suddenly everything seems so fine.

published by pneoxian at 11:54 PM JST
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Furniture & Appliances are the bomb
Mood:  lazy
Well I was woken up by Shawn saying that the appliances were coming. I did not know he meant few seconds later so I quickly got up and helped him help the guy move the stuff from ground floor up to the second floor.
First it was the washing machine and it was heavy stuff. Second it was the fridge was not so bad then it was the tv and dryer together as they were quite light.

After that I made myself breakfast and was eating half way when the Ikea people arrived with our furniture. So we had to go down and bring each of them pieces up ourselves cos we did not want to pay for them to take it upstairs as they charge per flight of stairs which is absurd.

These were heavy stuff. My desk, my bed frame and the dining table.

We fixed the dining table first and it required a wrench which we did not have so we just assembled it first and set it aside for later. Shawn wanted to go back to Ikea at 2pm to exchange his incomplete lamp set. While waiting I assmebled my bed only to find out that I have to screw on the bed feet without any holes provided at the specified place so I did not want to do that. I also found out that the bed frame does not include the base support for the mattress.

So I went with Shawn to Burnley train station and from there walked almost 2 kilometers of straight road to Ikea. I bought the base support which was wrapped up like a square block of wood much like the one you see The Rock swinging around in Walking Tall. I lugged that thing all the way back to the train station and back to the 2nd floor of my apartment. It was a good work out.

After that we assembled my desk. It is quite cool actually. It is like the one I have back home in Malaysia except that they sold black here which I got. After that we tighten the nuts on the dining table wit the new multi purpose pliers we bought.

Cleaned up the place of the boxes and plastic wrappings and disposed of them. We had so much to throw away that we actually used 5 out of 6 recycle bins. Our apartment has 6 units so 1 bin for each unit. But hey who's telling. Haha.

After that we watched some Olympics male singles table tennis gold match. China vs Korea. Shawn and I were rooting for China. It was a good match China looked like he did not stand a chance but slowly gain a draw but then Korea won in the end. Guess the China player was not playing as aggressively as the Korean dude.

My computer was acting up again so Shawn decided that we swap RAMs to see if the RAMs were the culprit. Well I switched with him and so far so good no hangs. Probably the RAMs werent fitted in nicely previously. I really really hope that this would fix everything.

published by pneoxian at 12:56 AM JST
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Monday, 23 August 2004
Drunk + Losing = Bad
Mood:  lazy
Well today has been somewhat interesting.
I think I found out what caused my PC to hang during playing games. My onboard sound device was having a conflict with my sound card. So far so good. Homeworld 2 does not hang anymore and if it hangs it usually means its serious. Unreal Tournament 2004 and warcraft still hangs. Maybe its because they are not installed properly on my computer as I simply copied it off Shawn's computer.
I just hope that my theory is correct if not I have to spend more money on hardware. ARGH.

I was feeling down today because of my computer's problem. So I decided to follow Shawn to Planet Shakers in the city. I felt better after that somewhat having a heavy burden lifted from my shoulders.

On the way home in the train a bunch of australian football fan was singing stupid stuff. Obviously they were drunk. I could even smell the beer off them from a few feet away.

Getting off at our stop, I heard a car alarm and was wondering what caused it. Then I saw this guy walking like a zombie in the middle of the road hitting stuff in his path. I notified Shawn and we both crossed the road and walked on the other side not to get tangled with that drunk guy. At the junction a police suddenly emerged with his car and came out to examine those drunk guys. That was fast.

published by pneoxian at 12:15 AM JST
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Monday, 16 August 2004
I'm A Leprechaun's Nightmare
Well I have decided to share the apartment Shawn is renting. We moved during the weekend and have even more unfortunate events. I fell down the stairs while carrying a stupid box, tore my jacket while it got caught on my computer's dented edge and now I have to reformat my stupid computer because the motherboard conflicts with the windows.

published by pneoxian at 1:38 PM JST
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Thursday, 12 August 2004
One Month of Crap
It's been near a month since I arrived in Australia.
I've noticed that I am not really studying in Melbourne cos... Melbourne is like the Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia. Kinda like a city or a district or something like that, you do the math.

Well the reason why I have not been blogging is because I did not have a chance to blog. Here is a short recap of what happened after I landed.

- i landed
- stayed at Shawn's mother's friend's place for one night. the next day went to look for apartments with no luck. after that moved into Shawn's mother's friend's son which eventually became our friend. he isn't home around often in the day time so i guess it was cool.
- for the entire one month we have been looking for apartments and getting screwed by a major real estate company called Woodards. bunch of pricks. they say they will get back to use after we applied, 3 working days later which they never do and when we call to find out about the process they will tell us the units we applied for is already taken or still processing. pricks.
- our friend's place was near the city. Shawn went to like the middle of the city where hey had computer shops and bought a monitor, and carried it on his head all the way back to our friend's place attracting alot of attention. i am surprised it did not come out in any news media.

- i like this one best. my computer finally arrived somewhere in week 2 of my semester and it was damaged. it must have either been the pos laju or customs people that wrecked my motherboard and my video card. and to think i just bought new ones before leaving home. my casing was dented so badly that the edge couldnt be bent back with hands, probably with a hammer.

- oh yeah there was on incident where one of the campus building had a fire caused by those science students with their chemicals so we all had to leave our classes and assemble in the car park. a girl that looked so much like kirsten dunst came up to me and asked me if it was a real fire or a drill. mesmerized by her looks i just said a fire drill. i now regret every moment for not talking to her more that day. could've made friends with her but now i will never know. i don't even know what her course is.

- uni work suxx... so much to do... and yet i don't have a place of my own to do my work in comfort and in peace.

i hope i have better news up head

published by pneoxian at 9:35 AM JST
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Wednesday, 7 July 2004
Weight Limit SUXX!!!
Tuesday 6th July 2004.

Since I found out the weight of my luggage was under the limit I continued putting in my normal clothes and the suitcase came to 20kg. Crap. That was not good. My hand luggage could've stuff more clothes in but there is where I put my sleeping bag which took up alot of space.

I realized today that my sense of taste is quite dull. I do not know why. But it really sucks.

2 out of 6 of the places I am interested to rent when I get to Melbourne has already been taken. It is quite a discouraging thing but I shall not give up. There are four more places left. Hope they are still available when I get there.

published by pneoxian at 1:13 AM JST
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Tuesday, 6 July 2004
Custom Made Box Padding and Weight Limit
Today me and my dad took my mom's epson printer box and cut our own styrofoam boards to form paddings for the box so that I can use it to transport my computer in. It was a great fit. I could even put my keyboard, webcam, mouse, modem and utility cds on the top of it.

I weighed my computer and it was 13kg. I was like... wow... that was heavy how on earth would I be able to be within the limit of 30kg along with my luggage.

Later I re-weighed my luggage and wooot I found out it was only 15kg. So I am still within the weight limit. Yeah!

published by pneoxian at 12:25 AM JST
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