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Wednesday, 27 October 2004
Swinburne Sucks
Mood:  irritated
You might be wondering why I do not blog so often, well it was because I was so caught up in university work & RO sometimes... that I have no time to blog...

I know that I would be a hypocrite if I said that other people's blog was nothing more than their rantings of their experiences. Well I cannot help but do it now so... here goes...

I just had an email few days ago from the course administrator saying they don't offer the subjects I need for summer course. So... it means that summer I won't be doing anything and I only complete my entire course at the end of 2005. Which is what I did not want in the first place.

Friday I have to submit an assignment from the freakin Internet and WWW2 class which involves using mysql + php and apache. Well the mysql part just sucks. The one which the lecturer gave us in the modules to learn was creating and handling those databases in DOS mode... and if you made one mistake in a line, you would have to retype the whole bunch of lines. I thought of just not handing in this assignment. But in order to pass this subject if I wanted to do that, I would have to score really well for my final written exam, at least half for the exam to be on the safe side. This assignment was 20% while the written exam would be 40%. Hmm... I think I would need 3 quarters correct off the final exam. Shite.

Today was extremely rainy and windy in the mornings which caused some tree branches to fall down in some places which then caused traffic jams and chain reactions everywhere. It was so windy that I even had a hard time walking against the wind blowing.

I just realized that this was the final week for my semester before the major exams and projects hand up somewhere later on in a couple of weeks. Just have to get through this week and the rest shouldn't be difficult.

My sister has been insisting that I get a job during the summer because she does not want to support a bum. Well... the thing is, I do not have a work permit which takes a while to get one. This was because I did not have plans on working which was because I was told that I would be able to do summer courses. So if she does not want to support me then fine, I would find other ways of getting by through the summer.

published by pneoxian at 11:01 PM JST
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Thursday, 7 October 2004
urgh... wasted... again...
Now Playing: DJ Birdy - Bird Dance
Man... I don't know what happened today. I knew I set my alarm clock to ring today but it sort of like didn't and I woke up in time to see the time where my class started. I quickly woke Shawn up, got ready and left. While getting ready, I looked out the window to find that it was raining. We walked in the drizzle and got to class only to find it being so quiet. Apparently there wasn't any lesson going on. So in actual fact, I went there just to get attendance >_>

So after that I went back home. On the way home Shawn and I decided to buy some umbrellas incase we needed to walk in rain again. When we bought them the raining stop. I mean... talk about perfect timing. I felt so sleepy so I slept and now I just woke up and the raining has gotten heavier and I'm feeling more like hibernating.

Well enough about today, nothing really interesting going on. Let's talk about yesterday =P

I was online and not playing RO cos had some work to do and suddenly she came online =D
so I chatted with her and the next thing you know it, she promised me a day out with her when I get back. I feel so happy about it yet I don't even know why I should for the reason being that I am way over here and by the time I go back she might have already left or forgotten about it. Either way it was a nice conversation with her. Everytime I chat with her I feel rejuvenated and things suddenly does not seem so bad.

published by pneoxian at 2:11 PM JST
Updated: Wednesday, 23 March 2005 12:10 PM WST
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Friday, 1 October 2004
Oh What A Day
Mood:  chillin'
After how many months of waiting for his promise to happen, my friend finally managed to meet up with me. He had been saying he wanted to meet up with me even before we left for Australia. Today was the day.

We met at Flinders Street station and walked to Swanston Street to catch a tram to Fitzroy, however, my friend took me on the wrong tram -_- .
On the way back to the stop for the right tram, a guy came on the tram with his dog, and got told to get off the tram with his dog as there are no pets allowed on the tram, and the guy made a big fuss before leaving with his dog.

He wanted to take me shopping at factory outlets. I thought it was a good idea because they sell "outdated" stuff cheaper. To me oudated or latest trend doesn't mean jack. As long as it looks good on me I'm fine. I was quite pleased with my purchase. I bought a pair of nike shoes as I needed an extra pair cos the one that I brought back home looked like it was gonna break into halves or something due to maximum usage. I also bought 2 pairs of pants which I need as I did not bring enough clothes here and also a t-shirt with the word 'player' on it. I thought it was funny. After that we went into a quicksilver shop and saw a pair of shoes that were going for 15 dollars. It was simply too good to miss so I grabbed a pair, my friend wanted one too but they did not have it in his size, everything else was too big for him. See? One thing good about me going to western countries, they have my size.

Shopping with my friend was quite... interesting I should say, he shopped like a girl, going from store to store to check on all the stuff, trying them out but not really buying most of the things he tried. However I respect his calculativeness for it also helps save money and make the wisest choice in buying the items.

On the way back to the city there was this group of guys with one of them looking like he was on drugs or something, came on the tram, turned to face the exit and just vomitted out like that saying that he had too much to drink. Later on his friend gave him a plastic bag to vomit in and he threw out the used plastic bag out the door as well -_-. You don't see that happening in Malaysia now do you?

We arrived back in the city. My friend wanted to grab those 1 dollar pizzas for lunch. They didn't look worth to me as the pizza dough was thick and had very little toppings on it, but I guess you get what you pay for. I went to Hungry Jacks after he got his pizza. After eating, we sat there for a while talking about stuff when suddenly this guy grabbed my ribs while walking past by and he was like laughing saying that I was ticklish. Well it was more like 'WTF! why did you grabbed me' kind of reaction. Later on he came back the other way and did the same thing and was laughing. I thought he was retarded or something, I was quite pissed off and wanted to beat the shit out of him with a chair then and there but then I'd thought better not to trouble myself and waste time and just let it go.

When I left I saw him got arrested by police outside the store. Police are real efficient here and thats good. I bought back for Shawn a burger set from Hungry Jacks and put it in one of my shopping bags as I had too many things to carry.

Later on at night when I was going through my stuff I realized that the coke from that spilled onto all of my clothes, pants and shirts. So I quickly put them into the washing machine and then into the dryer. Much to my disappointment, my Player shirt shrank. I was really upset over this because I haven't even wore it and it already got screwed up. I hate dryers. From now on I'm just gonna put trousers into the dryers. I still could wear the t-shirt though it became like those undershirt kind of thing, body hugging and stuff, I wouldn't wear it just like that as it looks gay. Well maybe when I sleep or something.

Oh by the way, my friend who went with me shopping, did not want me to write his name in my blog. Probably becaue he is too embarassed with his shopping behaviour. Oh well... till next time.

This is the last days of my 1 week holiday and I still have not been able to think of any ideas for my assignments. As my friend said, holidays were meant for people to have breaks but my uni gave us holidays to do more work -___- what a rip.

published by pneoxian at 12:01 AM JST
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Tuesday, 21 September 2004
Consultation Week
Now Playing: Chingy - Right Thurr
This week is suppose to be consultation week, where we have no classes but can go to campus to ask lecturers for help if we face any problems with the courses so far.

Meh... what can they help that is not already in the notes they cover? I remember asking one of the lecturers about a problem in the coding and he said it works on his computer so its not a problem. It didn't even work on Shawn's computer. What kinda crap did he give me? So called help.

Just like losing more and more sleep day by day playing oRO hahaha... maybe I will work on my stuff next week. Quite heavy stuff to do, gotta do 3D commercial for my Logo design which I have no idea how to do at the moment cos I have no story board, also I have to at least do some flash animation for my swatch commercial *sigh* and also finish up on documentation for another subject. Uni suxx... studying suxx, working maybe not that sucky but it still suxx.

published by pneoxian at 2:12 PM JST
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Friday, 10 September 2004
Now Playing: Spice Girls - Holler
what a tiring day...

i slept at 5am and woke up at 7am to go for my class in Prahran was so difficult to get up, for one thing was because I was dead tired and the other was because it was sooooo cold... even my milo that was just made became lukewarm within a few minutes. I couldn't even hold the cup properly, was shivering the entire time.

The reason why i slept for only less than two hours was because I was busy with my internet assignment where I am suppose to create a website embedding Javascript elements which is a freaking pain in the ass especially if I don't know what to use it for.

Hmm apparently the lecture in my design class at Prahran does not like people being cocky, I think, cos as she was going around the room to make sure students would be able to follow the examples I just said 'this is so boring' and she told me to make an animation within 10 minutes. Hahahaha. I didn't even know what kind of animation she wanted.

Got home and just finished up my internet assignment although I could not embed much of the javascript in there cos it just sucks and I don't see any use for it. When I uploaded it to their server I discovered one of my buttons screws up and I couldn't find out how to fix that, so I just got fed up and left it the way it was and uploaded it.
As long as I don't fail this stupid subject I am fine... I mean c'mon, I've already taken this class back home.

During the evening I intended to sleep for a while, only to wake up later realizing I had slept for few hours!!! Damn this 'too cold' weather. When I woke up I thought it was morning then I realized it was night... I was like... Double Yoo Tee Eff and got a hangover after that.

published by pneoxian at 12:01 AM JST
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Thursday, 9 September 2004
Just a day, just another boring day~
Now Playing: Money Mark - Use Your Head

I don't know today feels sorta relaxed for me eventhough I still alot of work to do. Probably because my tutorial class today; User Experience Design had passed and I can move on to other work to do.

I ran into alot of problems with alignments while coding HTML which was really frustrating. I had to actually make the entire page from scratch twice before it finally worked. Thanks to my friends who helped me.

While creating my website I listened to fusion jazz which actually is quite suitable to working with, it's catchy and stuff but it's not so distracting that it destroy your concerntration on current work at hand.

Hmm after I am done with this website assignment I think I will use it's template to renovate my own personal website. I think it's kind of a good template.

published by pneoxian at 12:03 AM JST
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Tuesday, 7 September 2004
I'm Cordless...
Now Playing: Justin Timberlake - Senorita
Woohoo finally I got my cordless keyboard and mouse from my cousin. Well today she went to collect her new car so she was 'free' to pass me my stuff cos the novelty of her new car is still lingering I guess.

I went with her and her boyfriend who happens to be a real nice guy to K-Mart at Burwood which was far away. Why at Burwood? cos that one opens 24 hours a day so... shibby. I went there to get a quilt cover cos according to me cousin, the way how she describe getting the quilt dirty was very... bad. So did her mom. So I got one.

Today at K-mart I learnt something new which I never realized that I had capability to do. Oh how I wish it was reading peoples' minds but its not that. I learnt that my ATM card can be used to buy stuff as well. Most shops that have this swipe card machine thing that looks like its for credit cards only? Well they accept bank cards as well. So it was great! I no longer have to withdraw cash from the ATM machines and fear of being jumped after that.

Chloe's cousin ask what was our version of this system called back in Malaysia. I answered 'Don't Have'.

We stopped by Hungry Jacks for me to buy back food for myself and Shawn. When I got home, I found out that I had been ripped off. The guy forgot to include Shawn's burger >=F and I paid good money for that. Buggers.

published by pneoxian at 11:01 PM JST
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Monday, 6 September 2004
More exciting adventures!
Now Playing: Sheryl Crow - All I Wanna Do
What a day...

I woke up this morning at 11am and cooked pancakes for breakfast. You might be thinking 'Wow can this guy actually make pancakes?' Well the answer is... No. I cannot make pancakes. I said I cooked pancakes as in merely pouring the substance into the pan and letting it turn brown and flipping it over and pile them up and eat.

Went for 3D lecture just in time before the guy actually started lecturing cos at the beginning of every lecture he would show us a video of 3D animation. I kinda like his lectures, he explains things in a way that it is easy to understand and actually demonstrates in a way that is also seem interesting enough for me to wanna give a go at it. More to say than what I had in my college <_<.

After that I headed off to the city to get my Swatch watch design, printed on A3 paper full colored. It was quite crap actually but what the heck it was my first time there with nobody to actually instruct me what to do so I guess i was pretty kick ass for a first time job.
It went something like this, I went to the counter to purchase a swipe card. It is the type of card where they put credits in it, and all you gotta do if you wanted to use their computers or printers were to just swipe the card on the machine by these nodes. So I paid enough for 30 minutes session with one of the computers. I went and found an Apple computer and set there figuring out how to swipe the thing which took me a couple of minutes. After that I wanted to load my file onto the computer but that crap computer did not seem to have anymore USB ports for me to plug my usb drive in. So I left and found a normal Windows PC. Then I realized that you actually have to pay 16.50 an hour to use the Apple computer. When I checked on the Windows PC for my credit it showed I had 15 minutes left. So I thought okay 15 minutes would be more than enough for me to get my stuff done. Now this Windows computer couldn't read my USB drive which was like... crap. So with quick thinking I got online and ask Shawn back home to send me a copy of my file I left on my desktop and I managed to get it over. Now I had to wait at the counter again (wait cos there was nobody there) to reload 5 dollars for a print out. It was 4.50 for an A3 full colored print out. When it finished printing, my name came out as Noel Chang Jin Xi.. without the AN and a part of it was sorta like smudged but I was already like what the heck man, I ain't gonna pay extra 4.50 to get it right cos I'm not that loaded.

Fortunately me lecturer said it was okay for the name to be like that just as long as I had my student ID there which I did.

On the way home by train, the train just went passed my stop. So I decided to be patient about it and get off the next stop and take another one back the other way.

There were alot of high school kids at this stop. I think their uniforms are smart and nice. I wonder how come Malaysia never had the idea to do this. Hmmm...

The train came, I boarded it and you know what? It was slowing down at my stop so I got ready to get off but then it started picking up speed again and stopped at the station after that which was my university's stop. Having enough of this I just got off and walked home from the university.

When I got home I wanted to test my USB Drive, through enough, both Shawn and my computer could not detect it. But hey after all the shit I've been through do you think I would just give up that easily? I manually activated it and formatted it and got it back buahahaha. I am the roxorz.

I have screwed up my sleeping pattern again which is bad. Especially when you don't have sufficient aspirins.

I am this Sexy - 69%
This QuickKwiz by Oz-Man - Taken 12562 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

published by pneoxian at 9:39 PM JST
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Saturday, 4 September 2004
Life just sucks for me
Mood:  accident prone
I accidentally deleted my entire history of blog.
Why? Because I thought that particular folder was only to store images. I was trying to delete the image I accidentally uploaded and ended up deleting my entire history of blog. Well this pretty just wraps my day.


Update, I managed to get it back woohooo with my smart thinking. I made a new blog as a dummy and duplicate its content into this blog's folder and just let the system smooth over the holes and now we're back in business.

published by pneoxian at 10:41 PM JST
Updated: Saturday, 4 September 2004 11:11 PM JST
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Double-Yoo Tee Eff is Spring?
Now Playing: Fastball - Out Of My Head
1st Of September is suppose to be officially Spring for Melbourne. Oh yeah? Why I don't see any sign of it coming at all? Its so freaking cold nowadays. I think I did mention that is quite difficult to get out of bed. Now I understand how bears can hibernate throughout winter. It is not that difficult to do.

I had food poisoning 2 days ago, and I don't really know what gave me that cos 2 days ago I made some fries that were left in the freezer for a long time so it could be that, or it could've been dinner.
Yeah I am proud to claim that I cooked Kurma Chicken. Well it was nothing really, all I did was cut the chicken and stir fry em, and after that pour the bottled sauce into it and keep stirring until it was done(hahaha). Although it was alright, it didn't really taste like the kurma I use to have back home at the mamaks. See back home, the kurma is like yellowish-greenish kinda sauce while this one I bought at the supermarket was orange and looked a lot like chutney.

I woke up at around 1 something in the afternoon cos I was still recovering from my food poisoning.
Today I was suppose to make myself try to at least get some work started on my Internet 2's assignment about making a webpage loaded with all the javascript in it with minimum of 7 pages. Instead of getting to work I spent 2 hours plus playing Super Mario World on my computer and got a headache after that.

Before I knew it, it was time for dinner, I went out to the nearby pizza place and ordered a combo meal consisting of 2 family sized pizzas, 1 garlic bread and 1.25 litres of coke. All for just AUD$24.50. Shawn and I managed to finish the garlic bread and half of each pizza. One was American, the other was Meat, well both had meat except one had more than the other but I couldn't tell the difference. But hey you gotta admit 24.50 can maybe last for 2 or 3 meals. So I say its worth it plus they even offer free delivery and our place is like 5 minutes walk from there. Its called Ronaldo's Pizza, and the guys in there were pretty friendly.

Next week is gonna be full of datelines and I am still wondering how I am gonna pull all of this through.

Oh yeah here is a little something for you to look at.

published by pneoxian at 10:28 PM JST
Updated: Saturday, 4 September 2004 10:28 PM JST
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