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Friday, 8 December 2006
Sick and Blur
Now Playing: S.E.S. - Dreams Come True
I went to find the clinic which I was to get a claimable medical certificate for my not being able to work today. I was so blur that I walked into the wrong clinic as there were many clinics on that same row of shop houses. They were like one shop lot apart from each other and being dropped off so close to their pavements made it difficult for me to actually notice their signs above. I only realized it after I saw the receipt and was like "Oh crap!"

published by pneoxian at 8:48 PM WST
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Thursday, 7 December 2006
Now Playing: Fallout Boy - XO
So like this is the first off day I get from working. I work for 6 days a week, for at least 8 hours a day on these working days. Finally I get an off day, just to get sick. I really do not know how this could happen especially since I have been sleeping early every night now. *Sigh* I hate being sick. Being sick sucks. All you do is lay in bed all day. I mean that was my original plan for my off day to day anyway but the being sick part just makes it not enjoyable at all.

This just added: I called my manager and told her I will not be well enough to work tomorrow. She told me to go see a doctor of the restaurant's panel and get an M.C. from there. She sounded fine with it. Long live the manager!

published by pneoxian at 6:36 PM WST
Updated: Thursday, 7 December 2006 11:16 PM WST
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Tuesday, 5 December 2006
Work Work Work
Now Playing: Myself and 3 other friends - Rush The Sun
So I started work on Friday. It was something like being thrown into the deep end on the very first day of work. It was very hectic during lunch time towards tea time. Furthermore to make things worse, some of the staff were not around for the past 4 days due to different reasons each. So we were really understaffed. Currently the task I am assigned is front desk, which basically is just to usher customers to their seats and bring them the menus. However since that we do not have enough staff, I took the initiative to clear tables bring the bills as well as occasionally being asked to serve drinks and/or desserts.

On Saturday and Sunday it was not as hectic as Friday and I even had to work longer hours. There are two types of shifts for a day. They are either morning or afternoon shifts. The morning shifts will range from 9am/10am to 6pm and the afternoon shifts will range from 1pm to 10pm to 11pm. It never finishes at 10pm. However we do get overtime pay whenever we work more than 8 hours.

Well the work location is not so bad. One of my other friend works in the same building as well and when he is working, I would go chat with him during my break. The thing with my break is it always is at irregular hours because the I work at a cafe and yeah we cannot get the same lunch break time as everybody else because we need to serve them.

Yesterday while at work I had a strange sense that my mentor would come visit me during work and it did happen. She sms'ed me asking if she could come by to visit me. I suggested that she waited until my work was over and she agreed to it. It really made my day to see her and her daughter after a day's work. Yes I am interested in her daughter. I originally intended to buy a red rose for her, but it would seem too obvious to my mentor, so I bought my mentor a white rose as well. When I when to meet them at another cafe they ordered a slice of oreo cheesecake for me as a birthday cake... You know I saw that coming. I was really happy that they did such a sweet thing for me. I usually like eating oreo cheesecake, however since working at a cafe, I really lost my appetite for a lot of types of food.

My leg muscles have been aching everyday and a night's of sleep does not really help relieve the aching entirely. I expect my legs to be solid soon and also lose a little weight due to my lost of appetite.

published by pneoxian at 8:39 AM WST
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Thursday, 30 November 2006
A Job & A Haircut
Now Playing: Jay Chou & Fei Yu Qing - Qian Li Zhi Wai
So I got a job. I applied for a waitering position at a cafe near my place. Apparently after the interview, they said that I had good communication skills and have potential to be more than just a waiter. They wanted to offer me not just a job but a career path. Hence they created a new job position for me at the cafe. I was to start as a Cafe Executive Trainee. I will be starting work tomorrow. They asked me to cut my hair though and lose the sideburns. Honestly my hair was not that long. However I did it anyway. Which was a big mistake. I now look like some typical chinaman with those square crew cut. It is really horrible and there is no way I can style it different especially after the hairstylist thinned my hair. I really hate it when they do that. Usually a girl cuts my hair. Now I remember why I do not like guys cutting my hair. Sigh... my job is suppose to look presentable and welcoming to customers but I am not sure what will happen tomorrow. Haircut sucks.

published by pneoxian at 5:20 PM WST
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Sunday, 26 November 2006
I Wonder. No I Don't.
So I woke up early today and was waiting to go to church. I asked my mom when we would be leaving and she tells me that she would not be going. Well thanks a lot for telling me on the day itself so that I could have plenty of time finding transport.

You may think "oh it probably have slipped her mind" and that accidents happen. Well this happens _all_ the time. My mother is one irresponsible person. I am surprised that she actually makes it through life with that kind of careless attitude. Even my dad feels stressed and frustrated by her behaviour of not caring about anything other than herself and not learning from her mistakes whenever they happen and especially not wanting to admit she is wrong.

I may have mentioned in my previous blogs before that she was never around to raise me like how a proper mother should. Until now she is still the same. Most of the time I am glad that she does not interfere with my life because whenever she is idled and have nothing else to do she will nag me and find things to argue with me. I understand how people feel of wanting to move out of their parents' house.

Oh and another thing there is no such thing as parents treating their children all equally. That is just fictional bullshit. There will always be favoritism and biasness.

published by pneoxian at 8:39 AM WST
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Thursday, 26 October 2006
I Saved The Day Again! However...
It is just one of those days where arguments happen in the household. Again my mother tries to defy what I say , which is like defying the laws of gravity. I had been explaining to both my parents over and over again as to the many tests I had done to determine if our internet account was working or if there was something wrong with my modem.

1. I tested my friends' (plural) internet account from my house with my modem and it worked.
2. I tested our internet account at my cousin's place with their modem. It did not work.

So it would have only meant that there was something wrong with our internet account. Just because my paternal cousin told my mom something different she believed him ever so faithfully. These are my parents for you. They will believe and praise everyone else except me.

So today the argument was about the internet still working and I again explained the reason why and the various tests I made to prove my theory. Again she did not seem to get it into her head. Naturally at this point of time anybody would just lose it and raise their voice. I did. She tells me not to shout at her and asks me why I am so angry. Other than the fact that I had explained to her thoroughly lots of times before and that she ALWAYS does not listen, gee I don't know... why would I be angry?

An hour ago I was on the phone being put on hold for the internet service provider technical support line. Apparently my 'session' with them never ended since that day my computer got fried. Well that made alot of sense. Anyways they reseted my connection and I am now able to use my internet account as usual. Well the customer service has come a lone way since they first started. The staff that attended to me was actually courteous and competent. Kudos to you TMNET!

So I felt that I should explain to my mother what happened just so that she would know. Of course she gave me that look where I did not make sense to her, as usual. She just had to somehow turn it into some form of argument so I just went back to my room to prevent from another useless argument happening. When it was time for dinner she tried again to pick a fight with me asking me why I had to buy such a high end computer. I told her that I still needed to edit images and videos and all that. She says that I did not need to since I did not plan to work in the creative field. Oh, so my interests and hobbies and possible portfolio additions are a waste of money too I guess. Mind you, this is coming from a person who spent shitloads of money buying new impractical computers and laptops for her 'work' which she usually uses for a little image editing (nothing like using effects and all that) and word processing. These computers she buy are Apple computers which costs more in total than all the total expense of my computers which I only upgrade necessarily (not purchase brand new ones).

My dad on the other hand thinks that the whole world is out to con him of his money. His theory was that the ISP people were using our account, and that when I called to ask about it, they quickly disconnected it and told them they reseted the line for me. Good Game.

published by pneoxian at 9:44 PM JST
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Wednesday, 25 October 2006
I Am Zeus!
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: Nan Quan Ma Ma - Mu Dan Jiang
So... I thought the last time I bought a new computer, it was going to last me at least a couple of years. I guess I was somewhat right. Lightning fried my computer's motherboard last Friday while I was out. It was like the biggest lightning and thunder ever experienced in a long while. So huge that I heard it while I was in the shopping complex not too far away from my house. When it hit, I was like "there goes my computer". I hated being right at that time.

This must have gone into the umpteenth time my computer get strucks by lightning in my entire history of owning computers. I hate my house's location, as in why does it have to be the lightning hotspot?

Earth, wind and fire... heed my call!

I finally managed to get everything working in order. It was kind of a hassle with the hardware and all. I'll explain in person if any of you are interested in details.

* * * * *

Monday, my friend Bee Lee organized a trip to the Euro Theme Park right beside that same shopping complex I was at on Friday. Those who came were the Youth members of my church. One of them included a special someone who was the reason why I went in the first place. I tell you the truth, I was never fond on rides. So I did not go on any of them. However the theme park event was just the beginning of what I would like to think, one of my best nights ever. I got to spend quality time with her eventhough it was short lived, by the rain. It looked like something out of a movie where the rain ruined the whole moment or something but oh well. Whatever time I had with her is as usual, more than I could ever hope for.

published by pneoxian at 11:32 AM JST
Updated: Wednesday, 25 October 2006 11:39 AM JST
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Wednesday, 18 October 2006
The Sun Is Shining
Now Playing: Hoobastank - If I Were You
Apologies for any devoted readers of my blog!
Oh, Attila (and Pam) if you're still reading my blog, I have to apologize to you too. I had said that I would write a letter explaining the life experiences I had... experienced while I was in Australia but it has already been a few months already and I have not gotten around to doing it yet. Truth be told, I was like in a 'dark era' where alot of series of unforseen circumstances happened one after the other leaving me no time to get anything which requires thinking done.

* * * * *

Anyways... yesterday I went to work at 12:30pm and only finished work at 12:30am. Thank God it is not my permanent job. I am freelancing for a company which mainly does video production and post production as well as plan events. You know like when there is an exhibition, the are the ones who will design how the booth or stall will be set up. Oddly they received a website project which apparently the boss could not refuse. So they needed someone who would had knowledge of embedding their designs into html. That is where I came in.

Yesterday I was called in to assist one of the designers there because the another guy called in sick. I did my best in designing with what limited resources was available. At first I thought my design was too simple and plain and nothing much to captivate the audience. When the client's representatives came to look at the designs, I was certain that our design would be a sure reject but I fired up Adobe Illustrator and showed them my design anyway. They said it could be worked on and I got to it right away with the other guy. At the end of things it looked like it had potential. I was really happy with myself.

Another incident at work yesterday happened to me as well. My boss hires this guy who is in charge of handling events equipments (I think) and he turned out to be my ex high school mate. I only knew of his existence when I was in form 2; 14 years old. He was a delinquent with rude speaking manner. He disappeared shortly after and I guess this is where he resurfaced. I am sure he recognized me but I pretended to not know him. Which by the way, is what I do to 90% of my ex high school mates if ever I encounter them. Lets just say that I was not fond of the people at high school.

* * * * *

When I returned home yesterday I watched Adam Sandler's Click. It was actually a really really nice show in terms of plot and how it was portrayed. I guess I am more analytical now after taking a course on video producing. Watching it on how they portray Adam Sandler and Kate Beckinsale as husband and wife really made me feel warm and fuzzy and had me thinking, "I'd like a relationship like that!" The movie to me has an overall 'feel good' feeling to it as opposed to Adam Sandler's previous works which were mostly slapsticks and raw comedy. Which personally I have enjoyed. Kate Beckinsale is hot!

* * * * *

I got a call tonight from my boss as the company saying that the clients actually preferred my design over the other one which another staff at the company designed. They chose mine! Woot! It seems I still have some creative essence left in me! Praise be to God!

published by pneoxian at 12:01 PM JST
Updated: Thursday, 19 October 2006 1:23 PM JST
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Thursday, 17 August 2006
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Big Japan - All The Fish In The Sea Are Stupid Sluts Anyway
So today I went down to Low Yat with my dad to get the price quotation for the guy who has 'hired' me to do so. I do not know about payments though but I am definitely not expecting much, or anything.

So yeah I got a price quotation from the All IT Hypermart store. Why you may ask? Don't they have other shops which provide somewhat slightly cheaper prices? Yes you may be right. However the All IT Hypermart store has better service and also there were no people at the counter so I could get first priority in service. Furthermore most other shops were ran by Malays. No offense. I am not a racist or anything. I just had lots of bad experiences with Malay staff at these places in Low Yat. Let us just say they could not meet my requirements. So yeah I got the price quotation from there. It was somewhat good because the person who gave the quotations actually wrote his name on the piece of paper. It makes it seem like there is actually responsibility taken over there.

Anyways then I went to buy DVD-Rs. I still have this problem where I do not really know what is the difference between DVD-R and DVD+R. Internet articles I have read do not really say anything but that it is a way how they are being burnt. I mean come on. Everybody would have suspected that. I used to buy Imation brand for CD-Rs so naturally I looked for the same brand only this time for DVD-Rs. I found it weird that the Imation DVD-Rs did not indicate the size of their dvd capacities whereas other brands indicated clearly they were 4.7GB in space. Not feeling safe I decided to go for the Mitsubishi brand. Clearly I did so because of the brand.

Lastly I went to get a usb drive for my aunt from brisbane whom I promised I would get for her while she was still in Malaysia as it may have been cheaper than getting one in Australia. The storekeep which I purchased the usb drive from was a Malay guy. He talked to me in Mandarin. My dad talked to him instead since I knew nothing about Mandarin. Apparently this dude went to a chinese school. I guess he talked to us in Mandarin in hopes he could please the customers. Tough luck. I know nothing about Mandarin.

* * * * *

Don't you just hate it, when you're the type of person where you treat your things very carefully and somehow or rather you still manage to screw up and damage them by accident? Well yeah. I noticed today that I dented my subwoofer speaker's grill with my chair. I placed it right at my feet because there is no other space for me place my things. My dad packed all my things in boxes and stuffed them under my desk which left me no leg space at all. Furthermore the place where I used to put my computer casing also is occupied. I really hate it when people move my things around and they think it is for the better. There was nothing wrong with its previous arrangements why the hell do they have to make things worse for me? It is my room damnit. Leave it alone!

Previously I also realized there was a scratch on my mobile phone's screen. That really upset me so much. The thing is I do not even know how that happened. As far as I know I never had it collide with anything. These kind of things really make me feel like just throwing them the fuck away and buying new stuff altogether. Problem is I do not have money to replace them. I am so angry. I am so helpless. Life sucks.

published by pneoxian at 1:07 AM JST
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Tuesday, 15 August 2006
Back to Life
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Michael Bolton - Can I Touch You There
So... my grandmother passed away last Thursday the 10th.
My sister woke me up at 6:30am on that day and told me that we had to rush to the hospital as something was up with grandmother. So I just washed up and left. We arrived there at University Hospital at 6:50am and I saw the doctor which talking to my aunties who were already there. It was not a good scene. What I feared had happened. My grandmother had in fact passed away. The whole room was emotional except for me. I wish I could have cried at that time but my body's defect prevented me from doing so. No matter how hurt I feel, I cannot cry. It just does not seem to function for me anymore.

My parents, sister and two aunties went back to my grandmother's house originally to get her clothes to dress her before putting her body in a casket. While I stayed behind with my two other aunties to settle the bill and all. The entire process seemed eternity to me. The whole day was dark and gloomy.

While waiting to a certain point, one of my aunties who stayed behind told my dad not to bother coming back with the clothes and that it would be faster and more convenient to just bring the body back to the house and settle everything there instead for at that time, it was already day time and was rush hour too.

My dad came to pick me up and we headed back to my grandmother's place. I then followed my dad to go get some breakfast. I was freaking hungry already before and my dad somehow managed to read my mind. My grandmother's house is somewhat at the foot of Bukit Bintang. We walked up to Bukit Bintang and bought nasi lemak from a road side stall, which I give credit, was very good in terms of taste, price and portion. We then walked back down and ate at a makeshift stall owned by some indian guy who seemed to focus on selling drinks. I asked my dad how come that it is not usually pay per arrival of drinks. My dad said that he had often come to this place ever since he was a kid and that the owner knew him. I was impressed. It was then I realized nothing much has changed in that area. It seemed as if time stood still.

I managed to catch up with my cousin Justin, who went to the same primary and secondary school as I. After a while my family went home and would return later in the evening for the memorial service.

My eldest aunty; my dad's eldest sister showed me off to her neighbours who came for the memorial. She used to look after me when I was a few years old. My parents were always busy working and doing their own stuff so they sent me to my aunty to be looked after.

* * * * *

Friday 11th - The Official Service(?)

My family went back to KL to my grandmother's house to get ready for the service. Chloe and Alex had arrived that morning; one day earlier than they had originally plan due to the unforseen circumstance. They were sleeping when I arrived. Shortly after,
Bee Lee arrived. He came straight from work but was at least a couple of hours too early for the service. He said he came early to avoid the jam. So we went to Little Havana, which was right beside my grandmother's house for a drink. We went with my sister. Bee Lee ordered a pitcher of beer. I had two glasses on an empty stomach. When I tried to get up, I felt dizzy and my vision was blurred for a short while. It was funny. Could I have been on my way to becoming drunk? After that I walked with Bee Lee to Bukit Bintang and ate KFC for dinner. I felt so much better after that. Never drink on an empty stomach!

The service soon started and my Young Adult members and friends showed up one by one. I was very touched and glad that they showed up. Furthermore members from my church came too. I hope my father would have been moved by their kind gesture.

One of my church members whom I was suppose to help with assembling computers for him came as well. As predicted, he actually had the "decency" to asked me if I had finished getting a quotation for him. I will leave it at that. I shall maintain my tolerance.

Literally all my relatives; aunties, uncles and cousins were there. I was quite happy that I got to have reunion with all of them.

* * * * *

Saturday 12th - The Funeral/Burial

Woke up early in the morning and went to KL again. We had a short funeral service. Towards the end of the service, the pastor was advertising about the various services held at his church. My cousin Justin and I were like... WTF!?

The entire family rode a rented school bus to the cemetery where my grandfather was buried. My grandmother was to be buried beside him.

The cemetery was somewhere in Sungai Besi. According to my father, that place used to be a chinese area until there was a military camp there and so it is... not a chinese area anymore. We had some difficulties getting there because inconsiderate bastards parked on the side of roads where they were not supposed to be parking.

When we arrived at the cemetery. I saw alot of tombstones which had pictures of the deceased on them all broken. Apparently the kids that lived nearby used as target practice for their slingshots. It was a chinese cemetery so obviously the kids were not chinese. As that area was inhabited by non-chinese. Excuse me a bit, I am being politically correct or safe here.

My father said that my grandfather's grave was very unique compared to others over there that he had followed the proper chinese style which I am assuming based from China. My grandfather was supposedly a very knowledgable person in Taoism and that people would often seek his advise on how to hold proper funerals.

After the burial, we went back to my grandmother's place for lunch. One of my aunties suggested another family dinner later that day. At this point of time I was kind of tired of traveling to KL so often eventhough I was not driving. So I told them I would not be able to make it and went for my church's music rehearsal instead.

* * * * *

Sunday was as usual. Church service and lunch after with my friends.

Bee Lee stopped by Comics Corner near Atria after lunch. All these years I never knew where the heck that Comics Corner was in the Atria area. Now I did. The keeper of the shop was a familiar face. Some old uncle whom used to visit my friend who was the keeper of Comics Corner at the Plaza Yow Chuan @ Ampang. That old uncle and an old aunty; whom keeps the Comics Corner at Subang Jaya use to visit my friend at Ampang every now and then. I know because I used to hang out over there quite often after my school hours. Which reminded me, that I should go visit my friend soon.

Later in the night, we had dinner with some of my aunties and my cousins Chloe & Alex (they're married couple; Alex is my cousin in law).

* * * * *

If you think that was it. No... we had another dinner yesterday night near my grandmother's place again with maybe two-third of the entire family. This time it was a farewell dinner for my eldest uncle; my dad's eldest brother who came from Perth, Australia.

* * * * *

I had lunch at One Utama with Shawn today to collect some fees from him. After lunch we went to arcade place thingy beside GSC.

I tried this beat game where you had to press buttons according to the timing of the scrolling bars on the screen. Like o2jam if you will. The freaking thing was in japanese. I accidentally chose hardest level and chose some song. The bars went by so fast and I did not even know what happened. Five seconds later, it was the game over screen. Hilarious!

It has indeed been a long few days for me. Today I am feeling so lazy. Even watching animes or playing games seem like hard work to me now. I will have to go to Low Yat tomorrow to get quotations for that church guy and also work on my curriculum vitae.

Studying days are over!
By the way there are more details during the whole funeral event but I am just too tired to type them all out.

published by pneoxian at 8:31 PM JST
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