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Friday, 30 March 2007
I Have Moved!
I finally had enough for angelfire's blog service. It sucks. I can never load the log in page most of the time. I have moved to where they allow me to use cbox!

Click here to visit!

published by pneoxian at 7:19 PM JST
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Sunday, 18 February 2007
Happy Chinese New Year 2007
Yes it is 4:07am... and I am still awake.

I have just finished watching the 15th episode of The O.C. season 4. That show really has a feel good... feeling to it. It has lots of good values contrary to what I assumed about the show before watching it. I just found out that it is the second last episode before they permanently stop producing anymore episodes. They are ending it at the 16th episode because the producer thinks it is time to stop. Like quitting while he is ahead or something. I just think he is lazy and satisfied with the money he has made. The 15th episode did not even look like it was going to end in the next episode. A lot of expectations will be riding on the final episode of the last season...

Anyways beginning of this week, I thought that this year's Chinese New Year would be a less than satisfactory one. Given the situation whereby since my grandmother passed away last year, it gives my dad all the more reason not to go visit his siblings and in turn nullifies to opportunity for me to go visit my relatives. My mother's side of the family is not really that great off either because everybody is doing their own thing this year. So I am left all alone this year with no 'ang pow's (rough direct translation Red Packets).

Chinese New Year involves families and friends getting together and spending time with each other to make up for loss time over the years. Since none of that was going to happen for me, I decided to make my own 'reunion dinner' with my friends. Apparently that did not work out as well due to some reasons which I would not really care to explain. So yeah today was disappointing. Refusing to admit defeat, I suggested to my mom that we as an immediate family should have our own family dinner because that is what most families do. Much to my newly found information, my mom never knew that during Chinese New Years the immediate family or a house would have their own dinner which was separate to the one where the entire extended family would attend. My dad does not care for such kind of events. He does not like to socialize or go out of the house unnecessarily. I think I am like him; only going out of the house on a need-to basis. However I am not as adamant as my dad.
So I suggested to my mom that we go have dinner somewhere a little better than the ordinary regular places we usually have our dinners.

The only place that seemed enticing was Nando's at Atria at Damansara Jaya. The meal there was better than I had expected and it was one of those rare occasions where we actually had no unpleasant conversations at the dinner table. It may not be much to some people but it meant a lot to me.

Another thing I would like to add that, usually around Chinese New Year in Malaysia, the weather usually is hot and dry, it gets unbearable and also makes it difficult to sleep at night for those of us who still cannot afford air conditioners. This year though was different. It actually rained quite heavily and I am very happy for it. I am sorry for those people who dislike rainy seasons. To me, whenever it rains, it is a sign to me that God remembers us and I see the rain as a blessing from Him.

To all who celebrate Chinese New Year, may yours be a great one!

published by pneoxian at 4:21 AM WST
Updated: Sunday, 18 February 2007 4:34 AM WST
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Monday, 8 January 2007
Malaysian Jobs
Now Playing: Paul Van Dyk ft. Wayne Jackson - The Other Side (Deep Dish Remix)
I have been looking at job vacancies in the newspapers for some time now. One thing I have noticed is that when they say they want website designers, their requirements listed shows that they want somebody who can do designing, programming and marketing. Honestly, it pisses me off. I would love to be able to do all three perfectly well but that is not what that had been taught in classes. There are separate certifications for those. Most of the vacancies are also a one man position. I can predict that they expect the one person to work wonders within a short period of time as well.

Not to mention they expect you to work long hours and under pressure to meet deadlines. I am not lying, that is what they put in their vacancy details. They might as well say "Hi we are looking for mentally challenged people who will work like a dog and get paid minimally!"

published by pneoxian at 8:48 PM WST
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Saturday, 30 December 2006
What's Love Gotta Do With It?
Ever been in relationships where you have disagreements which makes you feel tired of the whole thing as if you are not good enough for the partner. Which makes you feel like just giving up on the whole thing because you feel that there people out there who could treat your partner better? So tired that you feel like not getting into anymore relationships in the future?

For some reason I keep feeling this way in all of my relationships. Could it be that I am too fussy or could it be that I am afraid of changes and commitment to something which I might not settle for in the future?
Relationships are so complicated.

published by pneoxian at 3:02 AM WST
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Wednesday, 13 December 2006
Things Are Starting To Look Up
Now Playing: John Mayer Trio - I've Got A Woman
So a couple of days ago, I decided that I could not endure working 6 days a week especially during weekends and on public holidays as I have stuff going on for me, like having a life; I discussed with my manager who is a very very nice lady. The best boss I have ever had.

I told her that I would like to work there as a part timer. The only difference from when I was to be a cafe executive trainee is that I get to choose which days I do not work, no EPF & SOCSO and I think no medical benefits either. Of course the pay would be less but it is quite close to what I was supposed to be getting as a trainee.

So now while working there, I'll have to look for another job and maybe this time I have learnt my lesson and would like to try to get back into something which I have studied during uni days. Although the fear of not being good enough is still there because in the creative field, it is very hard to please majority of the people.

I have to admit that I am actually enjoying work at the restaurant but not to the extent where I would like to work 6 days a week including weekends and public holidays... The people there are nice. Furthermore I get to see a lot of interesting things happen there and a lot of interesting people too! Considerably famous people too. However I shall not be giving out names as I respect their privacy.

published by pneoxian at 6:51 PM WST
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Friday, 8 December 2006
Sick and Blur
Now Playing: S.E.S. - Dreams Come True
I went to find the clinic which I was to get a claimable medical certificate for my not being able to work today. I was so blur that I walked into the wrong clinic as there were many clinics on that same row of shop houses. They were like one shop lot apart from each other and being dropped off so close to their pavements made it difficult for me to actually notice their signs above. I only realized it after I saw the receipt and was like "Oh crap!"

published by pneoxian at 8:48 PM WST
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Thursday, 7 December 2006
Now Playing: Fallout Boy - XO
So like this is the first off day I get from working. I work for 6 days a week, for at least 8 hours a day on these working days. Finally I get an off day, just to get sick. I really do not know how this could happen especially since I have been sleeping early every night now. *Sigh* I hate being sick. Being sick sucks. All you do is lay in bed all day. I mean that was my original plan for my off day to day anyway but the being sick part just makes it not enjoyable at all.

This just added: I called my manager and told her I will not be well enough to work tomorrow. She told me to go see a doctor of the restaurant's panel and get an M.C. from there. She sounded fine with it. Long live the manager!

published by pneoxian at 6:36 PM WST
Updated: Thursday, 7 December 2006 11:16 PM WST
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Tuesday, 5 December 2006
Work Work Work
Now Playing: Myself and 3 other friends - Rush The Sun
So I started work on Friday. It was something like being thrown into the deep end on the very first day of work. It was very hectic during lunch time towards tea time. Furthermore to make things worse, some of the staff were not around for the past 4 days due to different reasons each. So we were really understaffed. Currently the task I am assigned is front desk, which basically is just to usher customers to their seats and bring them the menus. However since that we do not have enough staff, I took the initiative to clear tables bring the bills as well as occasionally being asked to serve drinks and/or desserts.

On Saturday and Sunday it was not as hectic as Friday and I even had to work longer hours. There are two types of shifts for a day. They are either morning or afternoon shifts. The morning shifts will range from 9am/10am to 6pm and the afternoon shifts will range from 1pm to 10pm to 11pm. It never finishes at 10pm. However we do get overtime pay whenever we work more than 8 hours.

Well the work location is not so bad. One of my other friend works in the same building as well and when he is working, I would go chat with him during my break. The thing with my break is it always is at irregular hours because the I work at a cafe and yeah we cannot get the same lunch break time as everybody else because we need to serve them.

Yesterday while at work I had a strange sense that my mentor would come visit me during work and it did happen. She sms'ed me asking if she could come by to visit me. I suggested that she waited until my work was over and she agreed to it. It really made my day to see her and her daughter after a day's work. Yes I am interested in her daughter. I originally intended to buy a red rose for her, but it would seem too obvious to my mentor, so I bought my mentor a white rose as well. When I when to meet them at another cafe they ordered a slice of oreo cheesecake for me as a birthday cake... You know I saw that coming. I was really happy that they did such a sweet thing for me. I usually like eating oreo cheesecake, however since working at a cafe, I really lost my appetite for a lot of types of food.

My leg muscles have been aching everyday and a night's of sleep does not really help relieve the aching entirely. I expect my legs to be solid soon and also lose a little weight due to my lost of appetite.

published by pneoxian at 8:39 AM WST
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Thursday, 30 November 2006
A Job & A Haircut
Now Playing: Jay Chou & Fei Yu Qing - Qian Li Zhi Wai
So I got a job. I applied for a waitering position at a cafe near my place. Apparently after the interview, they said that I had good communication skills and have potential to be more than just a waiter. They wanted to offer me not just a job but a career path. Hence they created a new job position for me at the cafe. I was to start as a Cafe Executive Trainee. I will be starting work tomorrow. They asked me to cut my hair though and lose the sideburns. Honestly my hair was not that long. However I did it anyway. Which was a big mistake. I now look like some typical chinaman with those square crew cut. It is really horrible and there is no way I can style it different especially after the hairstylist thinned my hair. I really hate it when they do that. Usually a girl cuts my hair. Now I remember why I do not like guys cutting my hair. Sigh... my job is suppose to look presentable and welcoming to customers but I am not sure what will happen tomorrow. Haircut sucks.

published by pneoxian at 5:20 PM WST
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Sunday, 26 November 2006
I Wonder. No I Don't.
So I woke up early today and was waiting to go to church. I asked my mom when we would be leaving and she tells me that she would not be going. Well thanks a lot for telling me on the day itself so that I could have plenty of time finding transport.

You may think "oh it probably have slipped her mind" and that accidents happen. Well this happens _all_ the time. My mother is one irresponsible person. I am surprised that she actually makes it through life with that kind of careless attitude. Even my dad feels stressed and frustrated by her behaviour of not caring about anything other than herself and not learning from her mistakes whenever they happen and especially not wanting to admit she is wrong.

I may have mentioned in my previous blogs before that she was never around to raise me like how a proper mother should. Until now she is still the same. Most of the time I am glad that she does not interfere with my life because whenever she is idled and have nothing else to do she will nag me and find things to argue with me. I understand how people feel of wanting to move out of their parents' house.

Oh and another thing there is no such thing as parents treating their children all equally. That is just fictional bullshit. There will always be favoritism and biasness.

published by pneoxian at 8:39 AM WST
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