Sexy Ass Hero Dawe - I'm only invited for my looks

Greetings party peoples in the place to be, I am called Mike Dawe. Hand over all your moneys in a paper and/or plastic bag. Ladies form a line to my left for make-outs. Dudes form a line to my left for high-fives.......Like I said, I'm Mike Dawe. I've been described as cool, awesome, hot, video games, the hottest, and real, REAL hot.


Phone number:RAC-BE10 (just look at the phone, you'll get it)

Height: six-fo'

Weight: 185 lbs. of awesomeness (or for you kilogram fans, that'd be 84kg. and change. What up y'all!)

Deals: Awesomeness

Favorite pocket hand: Ducks and /or hooks, just as they animate the best

Most feared heads-up opponent: Most feared heads-up opponent: Fear? Opponent? Fear just ain't in my vocab when it comes to all you bums. Yeah, I said it!

Favorite professional poker player: MICAHEL JOSEPH DAWE!!! Oh hold on, I'm prolly only Ima say Mike O'Callahan as anyone who goes all in on the money 7-2 off and flops a full house is a King among Kings........that and because he brings half the population of Ireland to his tourneys and they so yelly!

Favorite McMeal: That would be the Friday night special, 6-McChuggets avec a Coke sans ice, and givin'er on 'da sweet'n'sour with Gayward, Daver and Coolahan.