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Well, I've finally found the time to update my page. Today is Wednesday, August 10,2004. A lot of things have happened since my last serious attempt to maintain my Blackplanet page. I finally landed a job that I really like, I came out to my family(...although I don't know how they didn't know. I guess that tomboy excuse was all they had left to hope on), I'm starting school in like a week and a half, and I've gotten a lot stronger mentally and emotionally. I've learned not to be so self-pouring. I don't need to confide in people with every flaw that I have or my sad life story. That gives potential enemies amunition for their evil ways that may make themselves evident later in the so-called friendship.(Just when you thought being supportive and understanding by showing people that you too are not perfect was a good thing, people have to always prove you wrong.) Anyway, enough with this nonsense. On with the show because that is what you came for right? Now before we go on, I must warn you. This page contains many views that you may not be cool with, but frankly people, I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!:)...Next Box Please

Now I guess you all wanna know a little bit about me. Ok here it goes. My name is Angel and I'm from Louisiana...reppin that 504. But anyway I've been living in Atlanta for about a year now because of college. I go to Agnes Scott College and I'm majoring in MUSIC with a concentration on ENTERTAINMENT LAW. How old is Poco_Che? Well, that will remain a mystery because age is nothing but a number. Lets just say that I'm well over legal age and old enough to do whatever the hell I want to do. And in about 10 years I will be old enough to retire.:) Hmmm what else would Blackplanet want to know? Well, to be random, I am 5ft3...weigh 118 lbs...shoe size is about 7.5 (in Europe that is a size 38)...I'm of creole mix...and I'm beautiful. I think everyone should find themselves to be beautiful because if you don't then you must not love yourself. And if you don't love yourself the rest of the world doesn't give a damn about you.

Thing's I like:
Making money
Making people smile...unless they are just assholes
Rainy Nights
My siblings
Fresh air
My education
My roomate
J-kwon's new album
That one song by the Black Eyed Peas called "Lets Get it Started" Things and People I love:
My Baby - lalalatina2003
My Other baby - my Trumpet
My Godson - I'd die for him
My Mother
Sunny days
Winter Months
The color red
Kilo - my step-son aka my baby's cat
cars - BMWs and Hondas

This is called "Revision"
When seekers finally find that all humane minds are intertwined
They call upon the great creator to cosign
On a deal that will supposedly last forever...
But what if forever finally came?
Then, will the intertwined minds remain humane, orjust civil
When the undying eyes of the north meet the decaying eyes of the south,
the slight diming of the moon shall be seen
Untill our senses aren`t keen
Untill the proud decide to lean on him for assistance
All that stands is resistance
It remains persistant
So we will plead
For our lives in this sad sad earth
Where hate thrives off of ignorance
Where confusion stems from ambivalence
Do you see any sense?
When will the creator make his decision?
When will we see the final revision?

This is called "To You"
I was dedicated from go
Cut my soul in half but still gave you more
Expressed my expressions with my social whit:)
Basically I exposed my core
But still you demand more...
Don`t get it twisted
I`m truly intrigued by your wonder
You wonder why I am,and why I`m here with you
So, I don`t mind giving you more
Nevertheless, I keep my inner most feelings covered by 9 clouds
For each one that you remove you get an additional day of my attention
It`s intervention but not divine
Niether is it a comedy, but more like a rhapsody
Together our souls can defy capture
Please don`t fracture my hopes of what the outcome could be
For now,just accept my heart...
Whatever it takes to keep you close to me



Ok, This lady right here is the love of my life, so ladies I'm happily taken. She is my sun and my heart and my soul...damn She is my world. I love her with all my heart and I will always love her no matter what happens between us. She will always be apart of my life. She believes in me when no one else does. She pushes me to do my best no mater what and I appreciate her so much.

Eightball & MJG - You Don't Want Drama/Don't Make

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