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Guild QTpi Cheats & Links


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tough green chic
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Below you shall find some secret areas that I've linked to. Click on them, and check them out. Some of them don't do anything, at least I don't THINK so... If you have any Cheats and Links or you want to revise one of ours, please send to one of the following:

If you want to find some faerie artifacts, the legendaryHidden Tower has a great selection! Did I mention things are quite expensive?

I truly don't know what on earth the Draik Nest can do, but if you know, please send it to one of the emails, neomails, or aims shown above.

If you want one of those cool krawks, buy the petpet form. Check to make sure you have no more than three pets. Give the krawk to one of your pets. Make sure that pet is in use. Name your krawk what you want the REAL krawk to be named, and then... VISIT THE FUNGUS CAVE!

I bet one of the Hidden Worlds you DID'T know you could visit was Jelly World.

One fun game I think you'd probably enjoy is the Grundo's Gym.

Ever wonder what use those overpriced treasure maps are for? The Laboratory, of course! Be prepared though, once you have all pieces of the map, and enter the lab, a ray may shoot your pet, changing anything from its species to it's gender! Although, once you have all the pieces of the map, you can visit any time!

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