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Guild QTpi Contests


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tough green chic
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******Butterly Fun!!!******

Very Important!!!! Do NOT ask why certain people win more than one contest. It is NOT against the rules and it could happen to you if you try hard enough!!!!Send all entries to either of the following:

Member of the Week:
Rules: Vote for someone in the guild whom you think is cool or has commited a special deed. Say why in your entry. Most popular wins.
~alyanies~ Honest and all around pure, give her a hand!
Their Prize: Sugarbunny Surprise and Ptolymelon

Poll Contest: ~Songs~ Vote for all those songs that get stuck in your head. One person will win a random prize! Last weeks winner was: x_kutekim_x
She won a Terror Trove Scratchcard!

Quote of the week:
Rules: Pick any quote, any at all. You could have gotten it from a movie, book, newspaper, your head, your grandma's archenemisis, etc! Don't forget to say who said it! If you don't know who, put "Anon" for "Anonymous", or if you forget to put that, then just don't put anything! Best wins!

Prize: Pepperolive Pizza
Quote: "The worst regrets in life are the risks not taken." -Anon

Rated Me:
Rules: Any rating from your head to a newspaper will do- but it does have to be a real source. For example: book, television series, movie, etc!
“I give ‘Hero’ 5 stars! It is stuck in my head and I can’t get it out… And they say that a hero can save us…”
-buttercup_tough----- winner: buttercup_tough
Prize: I won't accept

IMPORTANT: Special thanx to x_kutekim_x
All as follows unless declared not is property of x_kutekim_x and will not be mistaken for work of other guild members, council members, Neopians, or as in short the work of others. All below is to be neomailed to x_kutekim_x ONLY about this topic. Neomails on this topic sent to others shall be ignored. Thank you.

The raffle the rules are as follows 1. You must be a member of our guild
2. You can buy as many raffle tickets as you want
3.If you do not win the raffle then you will not recieve your np or items back but you can send me a neomail telling me where you'd like the guild to use your items (( in other words if you don't win your np and items will be donated to the guild))
The raffle works like this.
All members who are active and/or have donated to the guild will recieve a number neomail (( I'll keep track of who gets what )
After one week we will hold the raffle on the guild message board/chat/and website.
The winners are decided by who's number was picked.
In the even that your number is picked twice ((if you buy raffle tickets)) then you will be able to choose one guild member who you think deserves the item or you donate the item to the guild.
The items will be put up for trade the day after the numbers are picked. It is the winners' responsibilty to claim their prize. You'll have 2 days to claim it.

Special note: The day the items are put up for trade will be random depending on how busy I am.

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