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Half-Life Corner

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It is not fiction...

I'm sure you've heard of Half life! Every HL fan knows the story of the Black Masa Compound, and Gordon Freeman! The ordinary day at work started out on the transit system. Then the lobby and to your hazard suit. Then to the experiment where every thing goes wrong ,but if your a fan you know what happens! You the know the odd but cool looking creatures and all the other cool things that you come across.

My Comments...

First off i want to say WOW! The graphics in this game are the coolest thing ever. And everything is so real! From a tire to a tree all the way to the water! Like the computers- The keys on the key board actually stick out there not just lines! And if you flip the monitor over you see an actuall grip pads! and you come across a computer with no side panels and the inside looks just like a real one! The fire looks more real. And even the little things got me, like if you get to close to a group of birds that are just walking aroud they will fly away! You can also shot though a crack of a wall you dont have to worry about the bullet hitting the invisible graphic wall. There is ALWAYS something happening and there is always a new twist! But the things I found cool were--DOG (the robotic dog)--The Gravity Gun(the coolest wepon ecpecially when you get the upgrade!) -- the way you can actually drive cars and team mates that will help you when ever possible. I sometimes wished that I was still able to kill them... One thing i took some time getting used to is that in the begging the AntLion comes after you and trys to kill you BUT once you get the "bugbait" they will become your best friend! I would sometime shoot them when they just poped out lol but you can sacrafice them and more will come! You can send them out to kill a HUGE group of soldiers while you sit back and whatch! I find them REALLY usefull! But i cant help thinking they look a lot like the Bugs off of that movie with the Bug Planet (Dont remember name)but if you have seen the movie you know what im talking about! Something els- the game once again just drops off with the G-man talking to you and then just leaving you in a dark void!


This is the place to be if you are a halfe life fan! And half life 2 is out! I got some info on the game and things you will come across so make sure to read everything! Oh and so you know the Black Mesa is a thing of the past ,but you do get to go to the new compound they call "Black Mesa East." There is also no trips to planet X-en. Once you start playing you will quickly find out that earth has changed in a not so good way! As you play your way through the game you will find out what has happend! Plus you make yourself a new friend that ,as it turns out, is the daughter of one of the Black Mesa's scientist! AND....Barney is back! Now, this time around you are just Freeman. For half-life news click the link below! Also check out My Gameplay Screenshots! Plus if you want to hear some of the music from the game Click Here!

The G-Man has emotion!

Check out the make sift lab!

Gordon Freeman!

Fits just like befor!



I got ya a list of some of the hositls you will come along!

First there is the Combine Solders! These are what you will mainly come a cross!

Next we have Strider! This is a fifty foot tall Creatur that can stab people with there long legs and can shoot a reality-bending laser beam! These things are a major pain to take down rocket launcher is best bet with these things!

Now we have the Ant Lion! This one hunts in packs and if you have the "bugbait" will kill for you!

Ahh!! The Zombie! Just like in the first one they got that dang head crab sucking on there brainless heads!

Someone Old-The Headcrab! Yes the head crab is back! This time though if you kill the host they are on they might jump up and come after you there is also a new heavy one! There is also different "variets" of them some not so cool.

Someone els that's old but has a new look! That's right the barnicle!

The Combine Gunship! It may be a machien or even a cyborg but it still has a machien gun and can manuver very well! The rocket launcher is best bet with this one to.

What is it? They call it Hydra! It lives in water and uses it's water arm to grab people and pull them down! In my game play though i did not once come across it.

Now I got you some pics of other things you might come across!