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Rafsoft presents: Music Tutor & Gitar Tutor (NEW)! (versions 1.0 beta)

You can download (0.3 Mb) here

1. Unzip the file

2. Place MusicTutor.exe anywhere you like..

3. Move the 3 DLLs into the Windows/System directory.

Download 3 lesson files here, and place them in a folder, say 'c:\Lessons':

Startup MusicTutor and go! 


For Gitar Tutor:

You can download (0.6 Mb) here                

1. Unzip the file

2. Place GitarTutor.exe anywhere you like..

3. Move the 3 DLLs into the Windows/System directory.

Download 2 (Dutch!) lesson files here
and place them in a folder, say 'c:\Lessons':

Startup GitarTutor and go! 



See also : Snow....



Email: , March 2003