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Go Canada.

Rafsoft presents: Snow! (version 1.0 beta)

You can download (2.2 Mb) here

1. Unzip the file

2. Run setup.exe. This will install snow.exe in the folder Program Files/Snow.

3. Run the program snowreg.exe once. This will register files with extension .sno as snowfiles.


How it works

When you startup Snow for the first time, you will be asked to enter a user name. Then you will be asked for a path were your .sno files will be stored.

The File/Make Snowfile option allows you to choose any file that you would like to send to someone.

The result is a .sno file in the directory you have specified. This is only a small file with nothing more than the location and name of the file you want to share. You then send this snow file to anyone who should receive your file.

Make sure that you have started Snow and keep it running. The receiver of your .sno file only has to double click on it and a connection will be made with your PC, and the file will be sent over!

Any bugs, problems, questions please report to me.

See also : More songs....

Email: , october 2002