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My Life
Saturday, 14 June 2003
June 14, 2003
Today was an average day. I went to my sister's birthday party. Even though her birthday is in January. What a dumb thing to do. If your birthday is in January you should have the party the same month. So what if it is snowing and you can't go outside. DEAL WITH IT! Anyways, also a few days ago I broke my first guitar string (the A string). that really sucked. Now I have to go get it repaired. Well, I better stop. It is pretty late and I should go to sleep in the basement of my grandmother's basement.

First of all, if you wanna know, I live with my grandmother because my mom and step-dad are getting a house built and we sold our old on on April 30th. And I am sleeping downstairs and not in my tempoary bed room because my Uncle Ken is here. He is here because he is helping his brother paint a hospital. Why he doesn't sleep there I don't know. Anyway I should go to bed. Good night.

Posted by jazz/skyman at 10:54 PM EDT
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