So that you do not have to waste your time re-reading any pages where no change has occurred since your last reading, the newest HEADLINES and all of the current web-pages (departments) are shown below. You may go directly to those pages by clicking on the underlined categories at the left. On the other hand, for a complete listing of all articles, click on any link for the table of contents.
Our mission: click on and see goals and mission Our objective: this paper is published for the expatriate residents of San Miguel de Allende. All articles are to be signed by, and all legal responsibilities are those of, the writers themselves. The publisher assumes no responsibility for anything written. Our stated purpose is that we will publish (with certain restrictions - see how to write us) anything that is submitted without our editing any of it. Please go from this page to any of the above "click-on" links (which are the various reading departments - sections - pages - of this online newspaper). This HEADLINES page was last updated on 12/30/05. By clicking on the Link in this sentence, you may send an e-mail to with your input or your comments about this web site. Copyright © 2004 SMA OnLine - San Miguel Allende's free online paper for expatriate residents This HEADLINES web-page has been visited times since March 14 2004objectives (and other notes) for all web-site pages are shown at the bottom of each page Objectives of this page: This page is a quick way to see the most current article listed on each page and helps the reader from repeating pages where no new article has been published. For a listing of ALL articles still on the web-site, see table of contents NOTICE: one of our two hosts ( has either allowed (or themselves placed) a link to a "celebrity pictures". DO NOT click on that link (which MAY be at the bottom of this or any other page on our web-site). Clicking on that link will most probably cause a low-level virus to migrate to your computer. We can not otherwise be held responsible for anything that comes of your ignoring THIS notice. |