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The Gingerlord

Real Name:


Any other names?:

That Ginger Twat




London (at the moment, come from Worthing, uni in York)


IT Placement Student

Favourite Albums:

No Name Face by Lifehouse, Yourself or Someone Like You - Matchbox 20, Thriller - Michael Jackson, Counting Crows - AAEA

Favourite Films:

High Fidelity, Grosse Point Blank, Memento, LotR

Favourite Books:

Lord of the Rings, High Fidelity

Favourite Games:

SWOS - if anyone tries to tell you there is a better football game, kick them in the nads and laugh

Favourite Food and Drink:

Kettle chips and freshly squeezed OJ. Oh and Vodka, lots of Vodka

Favourite TV Show:

Friends, (the first few seasons). Combat Missions (god that was funny). Six Feet Under, West Wing

Favourite Place:


Sunrise or Sunset:


Desert Island Companions:

Mr T, friends and stripper

Stuff you like to do:

Sports, Drink, chill with friends

Website: - my mates old band from college. Download their stuff, its pretty good.

Favourite quote:

"I'm a paranoid schizophrenic - I am my own entourage!"

Anything Else?:

Well, if your going to the bar....