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Meka Dragon

Real Name:

Ben Langley

Any other names?:







Internet Engineer

Favourite Albums:

Pulp: We Love Life. Ash: Supersonic Sevens. Super Furry Animals: Radiator. Bluetones: The Singles

Favourite Films:

The Lost Boys, Pulp Fiction, Boogie Nights - currently Mullholand Drive

Favourite Books:

Stephen King books, Irvine Welsh's stuff too.

Favourite Games:

Currently Resident Evil and Doshin, all time Chrono Trigger, Bomberman, Wonderboy

Favourite Food and Drink:

Mexican food. Fajitas, enchiladas etc. Old El Paso style :o) Lager. Stella, Kronenberg

Favourite TV Show:

The Simpsons, The Office -live football

Favourite Place:

Home. Any fun place with my family

Sunrise or Sunset:

Sunrise is cool if you're up all night, then see it, otherwise it sucks to be up so early.

Desert Island Companions:

My wife, Lisa, and my little kiddies, Malibu and Georgia

Stuff you like to do:

Write. Play games, go out with family. Drink beer.s



Favourite quote:

I hate quotations" Ralph Waldo Emerson

Anything Else?:

Apathy, bane of my life. Great at starting things, and I'm the greatest person that ever lived in my head. One day I'll get it out of my head, and do it for real...