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Real Name:

Phil Eastment

Any other names?:

Hedgehog thing, oi,Phiiiiiiiil, That geek person




Saffron Walden, north Essex


Student/"work" in a local pc shop

Favourite Albums:

A Real Live Dead One, Surfing with the Alien, Strange Beautiful Music, Levelling the Land, Chemical Wedding, lots..

Favourite Films:

Memento, Dogma, Requiem

Favourite Books:

Hitch Hiker's Guide, "...according to Spike Milligan"

Favourite Games:

Counter-Strike, hitman 2, UT2003, Dance Stage Euromix, GT3, soldat

Favourite Food and Drink:

Pasta, duck, beer, dont eat much..

Favourite TV Show:

Have I Got News For You

Favourite Place:


Sunrise or Sunset:


Desert Island Companions:

People? A few of my mates, Jess, Will, Rob, Sarah, Kellar...Things, PC, my albums ^, a couch, my guitar...and an amp. Preferably a large one, as it's deserted. Rar :D. And a trout, apparently.

Stuff you like to do:

Play guitar, learn about language, listen to music, fail to be able to get to concerts I want to, see mates, travel, ramble at people..

Website:, here is where I throw random stuff

Favourite quote:

"The fact that no one understands you does not make you an artist."

Anything Else?:

Not really. I hide on SR most of the time, anyone less than a year old there probably wont know me..