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Real Name:

Thomas Thorpe

Any other names?:

Umm...Tom. My friends are really imaginative






Not Yet

Favourite Albums:

Ha! Don't particually have any band I devote myself to, I just listen to what's good

Favourite Films:

MIB, Austin Powers

Favourite Books:

And what are these 'books'?

Favourite Games:

Halo, Oddworld

Favourite Food and Drink:

Not much choice for my drinks, so it's just coke. Food, stick a bag of chips infront of me and I'll be happy.

Favourite TV Show:

'My Family' and 'Frank Skinner'

Favourite Place:


Sunrise or Sunset:

Sunset, I like the dark - christ knows why

Desert Island Companions:

Someone who knows how to built good quality boats out of very little material

Stuff you like to do:

Surf the net, read magazines, play games


Not yet. Haven't got a clue what I'd put on one

Favourite quote:

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." -Woody Allen

Anything Else?:

Yes. If anyone finds my neck or ears, please let me know ASAP