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undefined Star Studded Dreams Guild
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So you have a few Questions about our Neopian Vision Mission??? Well nobody can answer em better then our FAQ!

What exactly is the Neopian Vision Mission, and what is it's purpose?

The Neopian Vison Mission (nvm) is a literal mission for our guild. We all know about the poor neopians, and how they don't have money, well now there is a solution. Other neopians (in our guild) have the opprotunity to sponser a less fortunate fellow neopian and/or their pets. The purpose is to help less fortunate neopians back on their feet, so they can stop relying on the soup faerie, and money tree.

Is there any rules regarding this mission?

There are some rules. We will not be lieniant when it comes to these rules as everyone on council feels that they are all neccessary and since there are so few you should remember them! The rules are:

1. If you sponser someone you are expected to pay the required amount! All you have to do is bid either 10nps or 70nps a week on one of Pyrokix's NVM lots, there are actually a few good items in return!

2. You May not, under any circumstances, ask anyone for their Neopets Password, even if you are on council. This is violation of their rights. Some common neomials/emails from members may be something like "we need to get into your account to put the money in, and feed your pets" do not fall for this and immediately Report them!

3. If you want to sponser someone and then decide you do not want to anymore, we are fine with that as long as you leave a message in the message boards that you have decided to stop, and then we shall know!

What if I would like sponser someone, how would I do that?
all you would have to do is vist our Sponser Someone section and click the picture of the pet you would like to sponser! It's so simple! It will then link you to the neomil system (direct neomails to pyrokix) type in the name of the neopet(s) and the owner of them. We will then set it all up!

I'm worried, what happens if I want to sponser someone and they are already sponsered? Then will I be sending them money and so will someone else?

No Way! We always remove the pictures of those who've been sponsered, right now we're working on the "already sponsered section" so you won't have to worry about that!

If I signup to be sponsered, when I don't want to be sponsered anymore do I have to pay back all the nps I was given?

No, and if your sponserer says you have to kindly direct them to this page!

IS there a way where I can help out with this special feature only Star Studded Dreams Guild Offers?

Yes! We are always looking for helpers in any of our fields and would love to welcome you to our team! Soon we will have Job Listings!