Israel Cuts Off Palestinians

Friends and family mourn Mata Adler, 21, and her cousin Kinneret Mandel, 23, at their burial in Jerusalem

Israel suspended negotiations with the Palestinian Authority on issues such as prisoner releases and slapped tough travel restrictions on the West Bank after Palestinian gunmen killed three Israelis and wounded five in drive-by attacks near Jewish settlements.

Sunday's Palestinian attack near the Gush Etzion block of settlements was the deadliest since July. It followed Israeli intelligence warnings that Palestinian militants, who claim they drove Israel out of Gaza by force, would now shift their focus to the West Bank. Israel pulled out of Gaza in September in a unilateral move.

The Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, a militant group with ties to the ruling Fatah party, claimed responsibility. However, security officials said they believed the Islamic militant group Hamas might have been involved.

The attacks renewed international pressure on Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to crack down on militants. Abbas, who is to meet later this week with President Bush in Washington, has been reluctant to take harsh measures against the militants.

In other developments:

  • The Palestinian Authority claims it stopped 17 terrorist attacks and confiscated a significant number of weapons during its first month of rule in the Gaza Strip.

  • An Israeli newspaper charged that a Palestinian television drama broadcast during the holy month of Ramadan alleged that Israel is willing to use drugs and AIDS against the Palestinians. "Drugs, they are fighting us with drugs. They select strategies to fight us. Using planes at times and drugs at others," the central character Pilpil tells his Palestinian superior, who replies "They are even willing to use AIDS against us."

  • Israel's Supreme Court has authorized the government to build its contentious West Bank separation barrier through the yards of Palestinian homes in a crowded neighborhood on the edge of Jerusalem. The high court cited a "crucial security need." In two previous decisions, the court had ordered changes in the barrier's route so it wouldn't impose undue hardships on Palestinians or violate their human rights.

    The Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade's involvement in the latest attacks would be a particularly grave example of Abbas' failure to exert control, given the link to his own movement.

    Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said Israel has suspended negotiations with the Palestinian Authority on issues such as prisoner releases and new arrangements for the Gaza-Egypt border.

    "In Israel, we have no desire to return to a reality of daily attacks against Israeli civilians," Regev said. "We want to send a very strong and sharp message to the Palestinians, and the temporary suspension of talks is that message."

    The suspension would not affect other contacts between Israeli and Palestinian officials, such meetings between local commanders on security issues.