Wonder what I have been up to in Guangzhou? Well, I will
use this website to share my life here with my family and friends.
Seen above, are my
colleagues from my office - Ericsson China (Southern Region). My office is located on 34th
Floor, GZ International Electronics Tower.
It's lunch time and this photo is taken in the
pantry. My colleagues usually "ta pau" food from home. Seen in this pix are (from left)
Candy, Minnie, Christine, Crystal, Rita and Candy - No. 2. I usually have lunch in the
pantry if my boss, Quoi, is not around. Otherwise, he would be my lunch companion.
9 September 2002
Wonder what Guangzhou is like? Go to the
navigation bar "Guangzhou" located below the title of this page. Or check out the monthly That's Guangzhou magazine at: www.thatsguangzhou.com