The Cal-Neva Lodge and Marilyn Monroe
Just before her death, Sinatra coaxed Marilyn to the Cal-Neva Lodge telling her that the Kennedy brothers would be in attendance. He flew Monroe out on his own plane along with Peter Lawford, and his wife Patricia with more than a dinner in mind for her.

There was a dinner with Sam Giancana, Peter and Pat, Sinatra and Monroe. During the dinner, Monroe got uncontrollably drunk and was led to the cabin where, while she was passed out, several hookers, male and female, molested her while Sinatra and Giancana watched, taking his turn with the actress as well. While the female prostitutes had their way with Monroe, someone snapped photographs of the entire thing and before the night was over, Sinatra then brought the film to Hollywood photographer Billy Woodfield to develop in his darkroom. The idea was to have solid blackmail material to shut her up about her affairs with the Kennedy brothers. The next morning, Peter Lawford told Monroe that Robert Kennedy was in Los Angeles and that he didn't want to see her, speak to her or have any contact with her in the future. When she protested, someone showed her the photographs from the night before. That afternoon, she tried to commit suicide with an overdose of pills and had to have her stomach pumped.

It was this event that saw Marilyn fall into a deeper depression, as she felt she had been betrayed by the people she thought were her friends. Frank, who had been a friend for many years, showing where his loyalty lies, convinced her to visit the Cal-Neva Lodge with the intention of getting her drunk and helping the Kennedy brothers to blackmail her with photographs that, for all the public knows, could have been taken by Frank himself. Peter who became a close friend and shoulder to cry on in her last months alive, betrayed her in her eyes, as he must have known the reason behind the trip, as he was still married to Pat, and part of the Kennedy family.