Frank Sinatra and Peter Lawford
When people talk about rebels, they like to talk about James Dean tough guys, and mumbling Marlon Brando. Frank Sinatra was a different tough. You never worried that Frank would break your fingers. But if you crossed Frank, you were lucky if you were welcomed into his circle of friends again, and it was almost a given that someone would threaten your digits in a dark alley.

No one could bear a grudge like Frank and it was worse if there was gossip involved, as he would believe gossip before he would his best friend. This is the case with Frank’s misunderstanding over Peter and Ava Gardner. When a picture of the two surfaced in the newspapers, Frank was furious and rang Peter up ripping into the star, calling him every name in the book, threatening to break his legs if her ever went near Ava again and hung up before Peter could get a word in edge wise. Sinatra didn’t talk to Peter for 5years.

When they were reunited, Frank apologized to Peter for over reacting, after learning that it was a meeting set up by the studio and not an actual date. Peter was again dismissed from his life, this time for good, after the Kennedys cancelled accommodations with Sinatra in 1962. Peter was the bearer of bad news, and was tossed aside by Sinatra for disloyalty as he too, stayed at Bing Crosby’s with the rest of the Kennedy family, rather than at Frank’s Palm Springs Compound and displayed to Frank that his loyalty was to the Kennedy’s and not to Frank. To get back at Peter, Frank showed how much pull he had in the industry, as he made sure that it was difficult for Peter to obtain work, and convinced Bing Crosby to play the role that was intended for Peter in the Rat Pack movie, “Robin And The Seven Hoods.”