Peter Lawford and Frank Sinatra
After Peter betrayed his friendship by staying at Bing Crosby's house with the President, Frank no longer liked Peter and banished him from his friendship circle and any other circle he could manage. The Sinatra debacle sent Lawford into a deep depression – one punctuated by heavy bouts of drinking. Reinforced feeling that his life was out of his control and the negative aspects of being related to the Kennedys. He felt diminished by the loss of so central a friendship in his life felt his financial security undermined by the career roadblocks Sinatra had already begun to set up against him and felt his physical safety threatened by the mobs fury against the Kennedys and the Rat Pack.

Sinatra's blacklisting of Lawford had been very effective – a number of producers in Hollywood wouldn't use Peter, others unconcerned about Sinatra but disgusted by the situation surrounding Marilyn Monroe were also unwilling to hire Peter.

Sinatra never again uttered another word to Lawford.