Theo Verelst Diary Page
Fri Dec 27 2002, 4:29 AM
I've decided after good example to write some diary pages with toughts
and events.
Oh, in case anybody fails to understand, I'd like to remind them that
these pages are copyrighted, and that everything found here may not be redistributed
in any other way then over this direct link without my prior consent. That
includes family, christianity, and other cheats. The simple reason is that
it may well be that some people have been ill informed because they've spread
illegal 'copies' of my materials even with modifications. Apart from my moral
judgement, that is illegal, and will be treated as such by me. Make as many
references to these pages as you like, make hardcopies, but only of the whole
page, including the html-references, and without changing a iota or tittel...
And if not? I won't hesitate to use legal means to correct wrong that
may be done otherwise. And I am serious. I usually am. I'm not sure I could
get 'attempt to grave emotional assault' out of it, but infrigement on copyright
rules is serious enough. And Jesus called upon us to respect the authorities
of state, so christians would of course never do such a thing. Lying, imagine
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Local Server Home Page
Fri Dec 27 2002, 4:31 AM
Though I've been active enough, the diary page department has been low on
production lately, I didn't even finish the last few much, though I did plan
to. I'll look them up and see what I do.
At least I got most everything of my various sites downloaded and ready to
be backuped a bit in a more permanent technology, and am working on getting
the combination of all pages and materials together, with sorted out links,
and all in one place, again enabling a lot of broken stuff making the whole
tree of files work again. I'll do some automated link updating and such,
and first see what material was spread where, what
versions are the most recent, that sort of thing. I'm not sure what I'll
do with the original sites right now, given they have less space than before,
which isn't exactly progress, and not inline with computer cores getting
faster and bigger/smaller every few years...
The local server
Don't hesitate and forget to try out the latest addition to my world wide
web presence imperium (gmph?), which is on a server most
of the time I can access locally, so I can make it active and much more flexible
and powerfull, given certain limitations (I guess it may not be commercial,
and bandwidth isn't miserable, but no university T1 line directly connected
to the backbone, and it may not be available all the time though it was the
last week).
Access the main page here or click on
the image:
The server is a tcl/tk based web server which I customized to my needs, and
which probably is quite safe, and certainly quite reliable, no major security
leaks most probably, no possibilities to even mess with it remotely except
when I program it to be so myself, all is completely readable, even while
it runs, tcl code, so there's not much hidden about what it does.
Recently I got around hacking the openssl certificate and key managing tools
I downloaded from I guess or which may have been part of the
latest cygwin distribution, which after some hassling, manual reading and
translating the tcl server secure socket layer extension directions into
my version of openssl now give me valid and working master and public keys
and certificates and requests which satisfy both versions of the netscape
and explorer I tried to put close the desired 'secure server' lock on the
status line, to indicate a secure connection has been established, after
accepting the reasonable looking certificate from my server, for instance
just for the duration of the browser session.
Try for ourself this link is secure
(when the server is on), click accept certificate, possibly permanently so
you won't have to do it again, unless I see the need to change certificates,
which may happen as I am still experimenting, and click ok when the entering
a secure page dialog box shows up: the lock on the bottom of netscape should
now be closed. There is no danger to it I can oversee now, except maybe when
the certificate would be a tricked one, which can be verified by checking
other channels and comparing its data, and that would just mean that you
would be tricked into permanently believing another destination (for which
permanent and incircumventable name server and/or IP messing would
be needed), for the rest its the same as browsing to a standard server, which
usually works just fine, too, of course . I guess I could post around my
public key and certificate to my various sites and maybe over mail, to gain
sufficient trust that me is me, and that my site realy is the secure site
is can be to safely communicate with, with no other parties mingling or messing
with your connection and information.
Getting a verisign trusted certificate is probably not a matter of a few
quarters, and other parties, who with major aplomb offer similar facilities
probably aren't exactly for free either. So as it is, being my own certificate
authority seems to suit just fine.
How about those keys and requests and certificates and challenges, message
digests, encryption and passphrases ? I think I'll do a page on them when
I'm more comfortable with finding time for it, though maybe I'll go into
it a bit.
The idea of various keys for the same encryption method is that a public
key can be used to decode certain data, but not to encode data which is recogniseable
by decryption through the same key. That means that a server can encode data,
and everyone can decode it with a publically available key, but nowone can
mess with that data and make it decodable by the standard secure part of
the web browser: changing the data would require encoding it after the changes
in such a way that the same (publically known) key would correctly decode
the tampered with data, which can be made pretty hard when the data changing
party doesn't know the encryption key, which is only known to the server
when it encodes the data to be readable by the public key. So it is impossible
or hard to take the identity of that server and try to present people in
their webbrowser with data which is decodable by the original servers' public
key. Such key is in the certificate which one can accept of a certain server,
and which of course must indeed come from that party, which is why the latest
distributions of browsers contain a number of certificates of so called
trusted secure sites, with that key of theirs in it, so that if one connects
to them, one can be quite sure that that little lock only closes when the
site connected to is indeed that site.
To secure that another party cannot pose as you, and that the data you transmit
and receive cannot with some effort be still readable, a few of such tricks
or schemes combined in various directions are applied, for now I won't elaborate.
Issues involved are client identity confimation possibilities, both by computer
address as by for instance cookies and unique properties, dynamic rerouting
of data and the uncrackability of the browsers built-in encryption and decryption
capabilities. The number of possibilities for keys and certificates, and
the type of encryption algorithms and the possible rate of trying to crack
them can be choosen such that at least a quite high probability of never
cracking the codes can be expected, depending on the hackers technical (and
scientific) possibilities and the number of parties joining in the untrustability
What about life
Well no public secret is that there is at least someone in my life, who is
not average, but who is not queen of all hearts in the world, which is good.
The rest is not outside the mess which seems to rule way to much in holland,
the fascist regime at least has been in official gouvernment after many years
blown up, which is quite relevant, and in line with the only political party
I ever voted for with clean enough conscience, which is officially from its
foundation made to 'blow up' the frustrated state system and to promote attention
for the environment, and which is now officially ( I saw webcast and live
national tv) acknowledged to be right, even though not many voters seem to
dare or want to follow reasonable voting logic.
When I was student, the bankrupcy of the ideologies occured roughly in the
time I left my parental home and was interested in many things, amoung which
leftism, and the way of ruling which then started much have led to the fascists
ways of the present, maybe as it was in the past because holland is just
to small to make it as world dominating nazis. ha ha but not realy. Lets
get it all under control, and make the world Jesus bought under our dominion
if we can. Well, we can't, I'm sure. Even in the time of catholic inquisition,
which included killing and torturing alledged heretics, that is non-catholics,
there was no overall agreement to the power system, and people resisted it,
sometimes paying with their lives, and in the end won, because that system
doesn't rule the whole western world anymore, for real.
In personal sense, for instance looking at recent video clips
The latest queen performance on tv smelled like second world war. Maybe one
would better be in germany in this time, I am sure by long time repeated
experience it at least feels better, spiritually and emotionally. And certainly
walking around in Aachen doesn't bring about the continuous display of presence
of certain adverse streams in society to claim their position and miserable
ways to be quite important, visible and against everything worthwhile, good,
normally democratic (which isn't normal or necessarily nice, of course) and
every public display of even small degrees of personal and emotional freedom,
and of the type of grandure where one wants to use and stress freedom of
speech , preferably about things where the first amendment equivalent is
realy about.
'But we must all stick together', or 'but then you are not 'in' anymore'
! Goddamnit, what the hell... So lets see, I regularly see cat life which
is more revealing in that sense than many babylon inhabitants have written
on their poor and as it seems not very happy or alive foreheads. Certain
spirits seem to want to make their presence all to clear, and I am sure very
many people take it they are the holy Spirit himself, while I am very 100%
absolutely and completely sure it is not, Very not. Deadly seriously not.
It seems certain 'hidden' and in my opinion (which is at least decades old)
completely redundant circles spent time and effort making certain miserable
spiritual rulers (deamons that is, they exist, if you're christian (well
well..) read your bible, the supposed son of God dealt with them for years,
without problems, though) ac a certain way so many people believe them
to be the divine ruler of the universe himself.
And they delude people, of course. They did thousands of years ago, and they
still do nothing special, noting interesting, nothing new. No progress here,
decine more likely. What a reverence for their anti-christ demon or person,
thing-which-actually-speaks (more like screaming, lately), local sorcerers
(yes they do not always rule the world, realy not) satanists and general
child abusers and their victim madonas, for absolutely nothing worth it.
Like a good fascist should. Makes the secret filthy rich and powerfull and
their catholic friends or collegues very happy. Well done, boy. Continue
that way, my son. Yes, indeed you are realy special my daughter (gmpf).
So what am I, an outlaw? Nah, though my bank probably has special feelings
about me, I've an offical dutch passport and drivers licence, but the number
of doors which remain close weighed against my weight and capabilities and
obvious popularity and like-factor is amazing enough if it were funny. Maybe
when I can take my own yacht with some I like enough to the bahamas in freedom
in various ways I'll think different, but the system I observe all to often
and which would have robbed me of all dignity, self esteem, identity in more
ways than I like to contemplate and of all kinds minus maybe a few of honour
and dignity to begin with, without even noticing much is a few touches to
seriously evil in its presence, and deserves destruction.
A bomb under the system
That is official point of view of the dutch party I mentioned (d66)
since its birth in my birthyear (66) to deal with the relations and constructions
in the dutch political constellation. The deals, buildings of bricks and
abuse morter, the corruption, and now the stagnated higher middle class in
its fascists strive for nothingness and damaging of what has something valueable
to offer for the sake of opportunist power games where the end target is
nihilism and just 'giving over' of everything that is to get away from guilt
and condamnation and altogether become a new person through giving every
normal human way up to the higher powers which be (how rediculously rainbow-ish
or new age-ish can one get).
The original head of that party, hans van Mierlo he has been something publically
visible in nato I think later on, who has lived on the street some time,
as I have felt forced to some time ago, completely and utterly against every
preference I have or had, let that be clear, I was preserving some dignity
and prevented acknowledging by any response at all what some formerly closes
ones planned against me, as a former friend of mine who birthday gifted me
a copy of GC Marquez's 'a chronicle of an anounced death' years ago must
have refered to, and wanted to first make very clear and sure that my vision,
analysis of what was and is going on, my chosen way out, and the sum and
relevance of my capabilities where not going to be ascribed to others, considered
easily refutable and wrong, and would have to be acknowledged and minimally
honoured at least, forced if necessary, for which it was (and to some extend
is) important to beyond reasonable doubt prove the validity and degree of
mastery of my professional skills at high level, scientifically, techinically,
practically, contentwise and vision wise.
A system which has left me with no honourable way out of a relatively straightforward
problem (a scheming reference) while being as capable and provably relevant
as I am, and then continuing the way it has, quite publically deserves nothing
but that: a bomb under it.
I lived near R. scholte some time, one of hollands most known visual artists
of some time ago, who has been in game if that is the name where such a thing
happened to his physical person, disabling him, which is of course not what
I mean, such shit never works is my opinion, except maybe prevent certain
people from causing certain kinds of damage. So that is not what I mean,
that is the sort of nihilist, fascist thinking I hate and dispise.
So a methaforical bomb? Nah, not necessarily, when certain fascist guntas
make it to the top and their illuminati or catholic friends sponsor them
to significant power, and they want to preach and use their abusive and oppressive
and unhonarable and otherwise dispicable ways with force and all kinds of
secret police like constuctions, as if the f* SS is ruling things according
to the headman of the secret plan and polit bureau equivalents who are if
you lucky just playing you against certain child abusing family clans, and
worse when you're unlucky, unintelligent, or information or money have-not.
Or black ? Or woman? It seems such problems are nothing much in comparison
with violations of very primary constitutional rights such as my freedom
to chose my own work, to emigrate, to chose who I converse with, who'se opinions
I hold in honour, and who I live near.
Not that maffia and control and sexual and child abuse, and whoredom and
oppression and exploitation are new sucbjects, but why does the whole of
thing run already so much different when one strays just a few meters over
the border?
It was because of me? Well, I guess some, though possibly not at all enough
practically, of my name is made enough again to take some lattitude, though
not much, there are way to many assholes and bitches around (deliberate choice
of still mild words) to help the nazi's who couldn't to power by betraying
any honour goodness weakness and anything which s atop the average they can
get their dirty hands or attention on. It may well be I've been in the continued
attention and consciousness of certain childabusing families, the ones who
wrape and torture little wonderfull jewish blondes who are so valuable for
them to acumulate riches and whore money, but maybe even more to the illuminati
when they can realy get to the life Jesus gives, and his prophets and apostles
live in, and probably even more when leaders of the level of Clinton (and
of course also probably still lesser deathforms which happen to become reelected
as family affair to be powers that are) are in picture, systemwise, sociery
wise, damnationwise, and in spirit.
Fuck the system? Sort of, I guess that is normal enough rock language, nothing
special, except that the little boys may have permission to accept the house-holy-spirit
(which isn't) but not the mick-jagger one, without permission, or going over
a very wired proxy deamon...
I mean this world is screwed. Strong language again not be abusive, but because
strong terminology is the only justified langiage. This stuff isn't subtle.So
what happens when I go from one place to another and see or bump into or
meet all kinds of non-characters (haven't seen a real character minus maybe
a few for ages) in the meanwhile? Nothing much except many non-audibly or
even in words uttered phrases and expressions (after filtering out the obvious
demon stuff) like 'I'm not in that', or 'we may not be in that one' or another
favorite 'and than nothing anymore' as refering to some alledged one time
abusive situation.
What is that? Damnation, error, lies, the sinfull world without much brake
or correction.
So become a nice and reasonable politician? And get no more than 4 persent
projected votes because all the rest is crazy as a doorbell or a deluded
nitwit or simply an evil mafioso which should have a criminal record from
here to tokyo?
Why not be nice and reasonable in normal life. Goes the furthest usually
I guess. But than one meets dutroux, or hitler, and suddenly one finds himself
all aroused and appealed by so much sex appeal and charism? Oops, objection,
withdrawn, but not stricken from the record and the jury will remember my
Pay attention son, and make some more solar cells, because you know after
the next 30 rich years, almost an eternity of oil-less ones will come.
Nah, a bomb under the system. Christian favoritism and abuse of power destroyed,
the maffia lines blown to pieces, the vatican under a nuke, sorry, got carried
away again, the source of the optium for the people destroyed, free bread
and games for everyone, vote for yourself, no shit everyone rich, the counterparty
for you and for we? Nono, just the essence of the system destroyed.
What do you mean exactly?
That when official meeting of the grrrreat men who know and Exist and Have
is so wonderfully organized with my taxmoney (and remember my balance in
that way is at least reasonably speaking positive) they don't pray
their brains out with childabuse circuits and let their spirits be filled
with abuse, the stealing of faces and lives. So that their particularly interesting
branch of mafia rise to the incredible stardom height of wellknownness and
tv exposure and raw power to get every little boy on their spiritual pricks
who they chose including that toooo wonderfull real holy and whory and virginal
and capable one which they realy in all holyness want with that little spot
of their dark heart which can try to get such feelings projected.
Or that along the clear and publicly hardly even disputed hard line of taking
the lifes which seem fit for the purpose, taking them inside out and back
again, vomiting the original owners of it out, taking the resulting stolen
blood in it apart, and putting it back together with all taken faces one
can get across in public as part of the impossible to beat eternally ulgy
and utterly useless construction with seven heads they don't call neon god.
And then think that is wonderfull
Oh yeah, and the thing speaks, too. Isn't it wonderfull how pigeons, home,
sorry I meant how the whole of public life farts and resonates with hell
and the worst thinkable miseries and destructiveness and hell which is so
powerfull everyone wants it. And how demons actually exist! And realy make
us all one in infinite shades of brown and deep black. When we want to. And
otherwise other of course help us to want it for us. To become one and produce
the wonderfull damnation for everyone in our great nation, so that all is
sacrificed to the baal before any human life is realized in freedom, and
that we are certain the holy spirit which isn't realy rules in all our children.
Ah. That. Doesn't work. They don't buy it anymore. I seem to have talked
or thought them out of it. The nuts are the adults, not so much the children.
Trying to pull the sort of sign, body or liptalk language on them adults
seem to have sacrificed their lives to doesn't get you much more than 'sure',
ignoration, or 'get our of here, nut' responses. Some good works after all.
What a damnation the world is in, I mean apart from this miserable country
I probably condamned long ago without realizing much what my impact must
have been, for not being Gods choosen workers in the whole of His creation
from now to eternity as head of all nations, realy without errors and all
having the wonderfull gift of a blubbermouthinh on and on holy spirit
without even needing to discern who's born again and who isn't; erring and
covering up for life-big mistakes as a rule of the thumb, instead of easily
coming to some realisation of truth, and while they in fact try to operate
at the level of abusiveness and nationwise oppression, abuse and sacrifice
which is more akin to vietnam then even the moderately alledgedly civilized
european nations.
Isn't the world istself so miserable it is rediculous to try to find the
soul, personal, spiritual, emotional and rational freedom to contemplate
workable forms of democracy? Isn't it all to miserable to let it live to
begin with anyhow? No, I don't want to entertain such thoughts, and I always
find the best remedy that already centuries ago, certain freedoms were fought
for and officially obtained which are completely out of line with such thinking,
so that easily proves that attempts to get free from that are completely
worth while considering and giving place in practice. One just observes
history and fact, and it is clear.
And no claim culture, satanist systematism, catholic faith and its violent
advocates, anti christian trust selling logic, charming, sorcery and its
social consequences on larger scale, damnation and bewitching schemes and
associated mind-states has been able to stop that.
So no nazi-fear of 'in the end whe all end up in auschwitch anyhow', no fascist
'it is al gone die anyhow, so lets help it', no oppressed faith 'it has always
been according to these ways' and no secret society 'you know that Certain
Circuits Always Rule, don't you' is going to get to me making me a different
And no thought control is going to convince me differently. And I also happen
to belief that the Christ who the bible speaks about as life of a kind which
is holy and honorable and which is not related at all to child abuse, little
and big whores and their mongers/keepers, and that the pope and te anti christ
and their little lambs and he-goats have nothing to say about that of value.
So the system which forces and blackmails, mind controls, teaches and makes
people into starting with robbing a valuable person of any dignity or ways
if showing his or her artistry, sensitive intelligent, power and might and
honour, let alone manhood, and let alone more mature sexuality, and oh horror
in freedom and truth and being without any clear oaths to the satan and the
heads of the ambitious mudstreams of the continents and their long term kindoms
ideas, without the mercy to being with or to consider even to know about
such things but look for what is worth it and which is genuinely good for
something or pleasant or leading away from the damnation and ruling sins,
that system which lets people become so miserable, braindead, mindless and
prone to anything occult and nothing free, open, alive or good, that system
must go.
Not forgetting that all of mankind by nature is inclined to evil, we can
still as it seems have quite some influence on what rules and receives attention
or counteraction.
Microtubules aren't going to kill you...
Even though every braincell probably has thousands of the little things which
are involved in the cells actions, division and growing, and most probably
how the brain responds and grows its structure.