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Spider-Man vs. Wolverine #1 (Feb 87) - First pairing for the fan favorites

Fantastic Four vs. the X-Men #1 - 4 (Feb - Jun 87) - More misunderstandings

Avengers vs. the X-Men #1 - 4 (Apr - Jul 87) - The Avengers vs. Magneto

Fallen Angels #1 - 8 (Apr - Nov 87) - The X-Factor kids hook up with the Vanisher

X-Factor #17 (Jun 87) - Angel's funeral

Uncanny X-Men #219 (Jul 87) - Havok rejoins the X-Men

Amazing Spider-Man #292 (Sep 87) - Peter Parker becomes engaged to Mary Jane Watson, marrying her in Amazing Spider-Man Annual #21

Uncanny X-Men #221 (Sep 87) - Intro Mister Sinister (Nathaniel Essex, right), my favorite x-villain and leader of the Marauders

The Fall of the Mutants (1988) - Running through Uncanny X-Men #225 - 227 X-Factor #24 - 26 and New Mutants #59 - 61, the X-Men fight a being called the Adversary and to all intents and purposes die, only to be resurrected by a powerful woman called Roma and given anonymity in Australia. X-Factor #24 saw the first appearance of Archangel, a radically transformed Angel at the hands of Apocalypse

New Mutants #60 (Feb 88) - The death of Cypher (Douglas Ramsey)

X-factor #24 (Jan 88) - Angel becomes Archangel, complete with metal wings

Uncanny X-Men #227 (Mar 88) - Intro Gateway, a mysterious aboriginal teleporter

Excaliber #1 (Apr 88) - Captain Britain and friends begin their adventures following a teaser called Excaliber: Special Edition - The Sword is Drawn. The full team was Captain Britain, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat (Kitty Pryde), Meggan and Phoenix II (Rachel Summers)

Uncanny X-Men #229 (May 88) - Intro the Reavers, a group of Cyborgs who attacked a woman called Jessen Hoan who became Tyger Tiger

Marvel Comics Presents #1 (Sep 88) - A new series mainly featuring Wolverine but providing a wide variety of characters with tales of their own

The Evolutionary War (1988) - Running through the years Annuals, the High Evolutionary (Herbert Wyndham) is foiled by the X-Men and friends

Uncanny X-Men #232 - 234 (Aug - Sep 88) - X-Men vs. the Brood round 2

Wolverine #1 (Sep 88) - Following a four-issue series earlier, Logan now got his own long-running series which ended after 189 issues before being restarted from scratch

Uncanny X-Men #235 - 238 (Oct - Nov 88) - The X-Men's first visit to the island of Genosha where mutates were slaves. First appearances for Jenny Ransome, the Press Gang, Genoshan Magistrates, the Genegineer David Moreau, his son Phillip Moreau nd the Genoshan mutates

X-Factor #34 (Nov 88) - The death of Candy Southern

Wolverine/Havok: Meltdown #1 - 4 (Mar - Oct 89) - Limited series for the two X-Men

Inferno (Dec 88 - Apr 89) - The demons of Limbo try and take the Earth. This crossover ran through Uncanny X-Men #239 - 243, new Mutants #71 - 73 and X-Factor #36 - 39 as well as many other titles in a lesser way. Madelyne Pryor, Scott's wife died. The demon N'astirh (right)

Excaliber #6 (Mar 89) - Intro Alistaire Stuart. This tied into Inferno

New Mutants #75 (May 89) - Magneto vs. Sebastian Shaw

Uncanny X-Men #244 (May 89) - Intro Jubilee (Jubilation Lee), a Chinese/American teenager with attitude in abundance

Atlantis Attacks (1989) - This year's annuals told the Atlantis Attacks story which included many x-characters. Ghaur recruited Llyra, Attuma Krang and other underwater dwellers in a quest to bring the god Set to Earth

Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure (1990) - Wolvie tangles with Apocalypse

Uncanny X-Men #247 (Aug 89) - Rogue enters the Siege Perilous, a magical crystal that can judge people's worthiness after shoving the Master Mold through it. Sharon kelly, the wife of prominent Senator Robert Kelly dies. Rogue wouldn't bee seen for over twenty issues

Excaliber #11 (Aug 89) - Excaliber get sucked into the timestream and end up in a cross-time caper for what seemed like an eternity (until #24)

Uncanny X-Men #248 (Sep 89) - Longshot decides to leave the X-Men to search for clues about his past. Storm 'dies.'

Uncanny X-Men #251 (Nov 89) - The rest of the X-Men (Colossus, Dazzler, Havok and Psylocke) enter the Siege Perilous (except Wolverine) to escape the Reavers. Donald Pierce destroys the crystal while Jubilee begins her friendship with Logan

Uncanny X-Men #253 (Nov 89) - Storm returns but as a child

Uncanny X-Men #254 (Dec 89) - The Reavers attack Muir Island, home of Moira MacTaggert and the makeshift group of replacement X-Men including Banshee, Lorna Dane, Tom Corsi, Sharon Friedlander and the Morlock Sunder who dies

Uncanny X-Men #255 (Dec 89) - Legion kills Destiny II, Mystique's 'alleged' lover. Stonewall also dies along with the Reaver, Skullbuster

Uncanny X-Men #256 - 58 (Dec 89 - Feb 90) - Psylocke (right) emerges (after entering the Siege Perilous) in the hands of the Mandarin. Her body has been changed into that of a beautiful Asian assassin as opposed to the English woman she was previously

New Mutants #86 (Feb 90) - Intro the Mutant Liberation Front (MLF) consisting of Wildside, Strobe and Zero

New Mutants #87 (Mar 90) - Intro Cable. Cable, though it wasn't known at the time was in fact Nathan Summers, Scott and Madelyne's son who had grown up in the future and come back to his past. This story was complicated but basically, in the later issues of the original X-Factor's run, Nathan was sent to the future. Scott and Jean brought him up there and he grew up to be older than Scott of the present day before he came to this timeline. He had a clone called Stryfe who was brought up by Apocalpyse in the future. Also introduced in this issue was Stryfe who it was later revealed was a clone of Cable, only psychotic

Uncanny X-Men #259 (Mar 90) - Both Colossus and Dazzler return but both are amnesiac. Piotr calls himself Peter nicholas and Alison joins up with Guido Carosello, Lila Cheney's bodyguard

Excaliber #25 (Aug 90) - Rachel Summers vs. Galactus

Uncanny X-Men #266 (Aug 90) - Intro Gambit (Remy LeBeau), a thief with the ability to kinetically charge things which could explode.

Uncanny X-Men #269 (Oct 90) - Rogue arrived through the Siege Perilous finally and finds that she and Carol Danvers' psyches have been seperated. She enters Gateway's portal and goes to the Savage Land, powerless while Carol does likewise and finds herself on Muir Island. The two end up fighting and Magneto rescues Rogue

Days of Future Present (1990) - Running through a few annuals, more time-related shenanigans with Franklin Richards and Ahab

The X-tinction Agenda (1990) - This story ran through Uncanny X-Men #270 - 272, New Mutants #95 - 97 and X-Factor #60 - 62

New Mutants #98 (Feb 91) - Intro Deadpool (Wade Wilson), another survivor of the Weapon X Project

New Mutants #99 (Mar 91) - Intro Shatterstar

New Mutants #100 (Apr 91) - Last issue of the series which morphs into X-Force #1

X-Factor #68 (Jul 91) - Scott Summers is forced to allow Askani to take Nathan into the future, knowing he'll probably never see him again

New Mutants Annual #7 (1991) - The death of Super Sabre

Infinity Gauntlet #1 - 6 (Jul - Dec 91) - fun in outer space with Thanos

The Muir Island Saga (1991) - The Shadow King takes of Muir Island but is stopped by the X-Men and X-Factor. this ran through Uncanny X-Men #278 - 280 and X-Factor #69

X-Force #1 (Aug 91) - X-Force are formed from the remnants of the New Mutants led by Cable. The team is Cannonball, Feral, Boomer, Shatterstar, Warpath and Rictor

X-Factor #71 (Oct 91) - X-Factor decide to return to the X-Men which leaves room for a new team to be formed. The new line-up was Havok, Strong Guy (Guido Carosello), Jamie Madrox, Wolfsbane, Polaris and Quicksilver

X-Men (2nd series) #1 (Octr 91) - The new X-Men kick off with a three parter against Magneto. The team is split into two to accomodate two titles. The Blue Team featured Cyclops, Beast, Rogue, Gambit, Psylocke, Wolverine and Jubilee while the Gold Team featured Storm, Colossus, Archangel, Iceman and Phoenix. Featured the first appearance of the Acolytes, a group devoted to Magneto

Excaliber #44 (Dec 91) - Intro Micromax

X-Force #5 (Dec 91) - Siryn joined X-Force and a new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants was seen featuring Toad, Blob and Sauron who were later joined by Pyro and Phantazia

X-Men #4 (Jan 92) - Intro Omega Red

Uncanny X-Men #281 (oct 91) - Great issue which featured the debut of Trevor Fitzroy. this issue had everything and resulted in the deaths of the Hellions

Uncanny X-Men #282 (Nov 91) - Intro Bishop (right)

Wolverine #57 (Jul 92) - The death of Mariko Yashida

Operation Galactic Storm (1991) - Big crossover featuring the Avengers. The Kree empire is decimated by the nega-bomb

Shattershot (1991) - Mojo is the bloated star, running through the X-Annuals

Alpha Flight #106 (Mar 92) - Northstar is revealed as Marvel's first gay character

X-Men #8 (May 92) - Bishop joins the X-Men

Infinity War #1 - 6 (Jun - Nov 92) - Follow up to the Infinity Gauntlet starring Magus

X-Cutioner's Song (Nov 92 - Jan 93) - running through Uncanny X-Men #294 - 296, X-Factor #84 - 86. X-Men #14 - 16 and X-Force #16 - 18, X-Cutioner's Song was the big Cable/Stryfe/Apocalypse revalation story and the beginning of the Legacy Virus storylines

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