My collection started around 1996 - 97 and has grown slowly ever since. I find a cheap way to get comics is to get the reprints and England has many of those to chose from. There are stacks of issues I'd like but don't have. I don't possess Gambit's first appearance in Uncanny X-Men #266, or Uncanny X-Men #162 - 163. I don't have many of the early X-Factor or New Mutants issues and in particular, I don't have anything like as many non X-titles as I'd like. There are years worth of Captain America, Fantastic Four and Hulk issues I'd like to read but can't afford. These are all bagged and stored vertically so they should remain in good condition for many years to come.
- 2001: A Space Odyssey – 8
- The Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix – 3, 4 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 16)
- Agent X – 1, 2
Age of Apocalypse Titles
- The Amazing X-Men – 1 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 26), 2 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 28), 3 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 30), 4
- Astonishing X-Men – 1 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 25), 2 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 27), 3 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 29), 4 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 31),
- Factor X – 1 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #14), 2 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #16), 3 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #18), 4
- Gambit & the X-ternals – 1 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 26), 2 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 27), 3 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 28), 4 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 31),
- Generation Next – 1 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 27), 2 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 29), 3 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 30), 4 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 30)
- Tales From the Age of Apocalypse
- Weapon X 1 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #13), 2, 3 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #17), 4 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #19),
- X-Calibre – 1 to 4
- X-Man issues found under X-Man
- X-Men: Alpha (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 25),
- X-Men Chronicles – 1, 2
- X-Men: Omega (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 32),
- X-Universe – 1, 2
- Alpha Flight (Vol 1) – 1, 32, 33, 103
- Alpha Flight (Vol 2) – 3, 5, 8 to 10, 12, 14
- Alpha Flight (Vol 2) and Inhumans Annual 1998
- Amazing Adventures – 10
- Archangel: Phantom Wings
- Askani’son – 1 to 4
- The Astonishing X-Men – 1 to 3
- Avengers (Vol 1) – 21 to 22 (reprinted in Thunderbolts: Marvel’s Most Wanted),25 to 46 (reprinted in British Essential Avengers Volume 2), 47 to 53 (reprinted in British Essential Avengers Volume 3), 54 (reprinted in Marvel Triple Action #47), 55 to 68 (reprinted in British Essential Avengers Volume 3), 74 (reprinted in Marvel Super Action #35), 98 to 100 (reprinted in Avengers Volume 3 #48), 101 (reprinted in Avengers Volume 3 #27), 150 to 151 (reprinted in Avengers Volume 3 #27), 166, 178, 181 (reprinted in Marvel Super Heroes 376), 185 to 187, 194, 200 to 203, 206, 207, 211, 213, 214, 218, 248, 255 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II #46), 257 to 258 (pages reprinted in British Secret Wars II #47), 259 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II #48), 260 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II #50), 261 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II #59), 264, 265 (reprinted in Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #77), 267 to 269, 271, 273 to 275, 277, 279, 280, 288, 291, 292, 294, 300, 304, 316, 318, 322, 329 to 331, 341, 350, 351, 357 to 361, 364, 368 to 369 (reprinted in colour in Bloodties tpb), 377, 380 to 383, 385, 389, 391 to 394, 400 to 402
- Avengers (Vol 2) – 1, 3 to 5
- Avengers (Vol 3) – 1 to 48, 50 to 57
- Avengers Annual 2 (reprinted in British Essential Avengers Volume 3)
- Avengers Annual 10 (part two reprinted in British Essential X-Men 41 and part four in British Essential X-Men 43)
- Avengers Annual 12
- Avengers Annual 14 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II Special #2)
- Avengers Annual 17
- Avengers Annual 19 (reprinted in Avengers (Vol 3) #27)
- Avengers Annual 21
- Avengers Annual 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
- Avengers: Celestial Quest – 1 to 7
- Avengers: Domination Factor 1.2
- Avengers Forever – 1 to 12
- Avengers Infinity – 1 to 4
- Avengers Two: Wonder Man & the Beast – 1 to 3
- Avengers/Ultraforce – 1
- Avengers: The Ultron Imperative
- Avengers Unplugged - 6
- King-Size Avengers Special – 1 (reprinted in British Essential Avengers Volume 2)
- West Coast Avengers – 12, 13, 35 to 40, 50, 90, 100, 101 (reprinted in colour in Bloodties tpb)
- West Coast Avengers Annual 2 to 4, 6
- Beast – 1 to 3
- Beauty and the Beast – 1 to 4
- Ben Grimm and Logan – 1 to 3
- Bishop - 1 to 4
- Bishop: The Last X-Man – 1 to 16
- Bishop: Xavier Security Enforcers – 1 to 3
- Black Knight/Exodus – 1
- Black Panther (Vol 2, Marvel Knights) – 8, 23, 26 to 29, 35, 36, 38, 41 to 43
- Black Widow (Vol 1, Marvel Knights) – 1 to 3
- Black Widow (Vol 2, Marvel Knights) – 1
- Blaze of Glory: The Last Ride of the Western Heroes – 1 to 4
- Blink – 1
- Bloodstone – 1, 2
- The Brotherhood – 1, 5, 6, 9
- Cable: Blood & Metal – 1, 2
- Cable (Vol 1) – 1 to 4, 6 to 9, 12 to 14, 16 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 21), 18, 19, 20 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 24), 21, 22, 24 to 35, 37 to 46, 48 to 54, 57, 58, 61, 63, 66, 69 to 101
- Cable (Vol 1) Annual 1999
- Cable and Machine Man Annual 1998
- Cable Minus 1
- Captain America (Vol 1) – 168 (reprinted in Thunderbolts: Marvel’s Most Wanted), 176 (reprinted in Titans Annual 1977), 182, 192 (reprinted in Thunderbolts: Marvel’s Most Wanted), 195, 228, 259, 264, 308 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II #34), 346, 402 to 407,
- Captain America (Vol 2) – 4
- Captain America (Vol 3) – 1, 7 to 10, 15, 17 to 20, 29, 32, 44 to 48
- Captain America & Citizen V Annual 1998
- Captain America: The Legend
- Captain Britain (Vol 1, Marvel UK) – 1 to 14 (reprinted in Captain Britain (Davis & Delano) tpb), 24
- Captain Marvel (Vol 1) – 9, 38, 39, 42, 47, 50, 59
- The Life of Captain Marvel - 5
- Marvel Spotlight on Captain Marvel – 1 to 4
- Captain Marvel (Vol 2) – 3
- Captain Marvel (Vol 3) – 11, 14, 20
- Champions (Vol 1) – 3 to 5, 7 to 9, 11, 12, 17 (reprinted in Marvel Super Heroes 376)
- Citizen V and the V-Battalion – 1 to 3
- Citizen V and the V-Battalion: The Everlasting – 1, 2, 4
- Cloak and dagger – 4 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II #63)
- Colossus – 1
- Conan the Barbarian #10 (reprinted in Conan Classic #10)
- Contest of Champions I – 1 to 3 (reprinted in Contest of Champions tpb)
- Contest of Champions II – 1 to 5
- The Crew - 1, 2
- Cyclops (Icons) – 1 to 4
- Daredevil Vol 1) – 168, 173 to 176 (excerpts reprinted in Elektra Megazine #1), 177 to 180 (excerpts reprinted in Elektra Megazine #2), 181, 182, 187 to 190 (excerpts reprinted in Elektra Megazine #2 and excerpts of #190 reprinted in Elektra Megazine #1), 223 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II #51), 238, 248 to 249 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #21), 290, 355
- Daredevil (Vol 2, Marvel Knights) – 1 to 15, 20
- Daredevil/Spider-Man (Vol 1, Marvel Knights) – 1 to 4
- Daredevils – 1 to 11 (reprinted in Captain Britain (Moore & Davis) tpb)
- Darkhawk (Vol 1) – 19
- Dazzler (Vol 1) – 1, 9, 19, 22 to 24, 38, 40 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II #58)
- Deadpool (Vol 1) – 1, 23 to 25, 27, 28, 43 to 45, 48, 54, 55, 58 to 60 (Agent of Weapon X), 61 to 62 (Funeral for a Freak), 65, 68, 69
- Deadpool Limited Series – 1 to 4 (reprinted in Deadpool: Sins of the Past)
- Encyclopedia Deadpoolica
- Deathlok (Vol 1) – 2 to 5
- Deathlok (Vol 2) – 2
- Defenders (Vol 1) – 6, 19, 26 to 29, 74, 75, 100, 122, 124 (renamed New Defenders)
- Defenders (Vol 2) – 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12
- Dr. Strange (Vol 2) – 74 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II #62)
- Dr. Strange: Sorceror Supreme (Vol 1) – 41, 42, 75, 77
- Domino (Vol 1) – 1 to 3
- Domino (Vol 2) – 1, 2
- Doom – 1 to 3
- Doom: the Emperor Returns – 1 to 3
- Earth X - 6
- Elektra (Vol 1) – 1 to 19
- Elektra Megazine – 1, 2
- Elektra Minus 1
- Elektra: Root of Evil – 3
- Elektra (Vol 2, Marvel Knights) – 1 to 3, 5 to 7
- Eternals (Vol 1) – 1, 2
- Excaliber
- Excaliber (Vol 1) – 1, 3, 5, 9 to 12, 18 to 20, 22, 23, 26, 30 to 32, 35, 37, 42, 50 to 53, 55, 56, 58, 60, 61, 63, 65, 66, 68 to 70, 72 to 75, 77, 81, 82 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 21), 83 to 97, 99 to 125
- Excaliber Annual 1, 2
- Excaliber Minus 1
- Excaliber Special Edition
- Excaliber (Vol 2, Marvel Knights) – 1 to 4
- Exiles 1, 2
- Fallen Angels – 1 to 8
- Fantastic Force - 1
- Fantastic Four (Vol 1) – 39 to 40 (reprinted in Marvel’s Greatest Comics #31), 52 to 53 (reprinted in Black Panther (Vol 2) #36), 158, 176 (reprinted in Fantastic Four (Vol 3) #54), 186 to 187 (reprinted in British Fantastic Four Annual 1979), 189, 240, 250, 280 to 281 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II #39 to 40), 282 to 283 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II #42 to 43), 284 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II #54), 285 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II #55), 287 to 288 (reprinted in Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #68 to 69), 296, 300. 339, 342, 348, 351, 388, 395, 415, 416
- Fantastic Four (Vol 1) Annual 5 (back-up Silver Surfer tale is reprinted in British Essential Silver Surfer Volume 1), Annual 6 (reprinted in Fantastic Four (Vol 3) #54), Annual 21 to 23
- Fantastic Four (Vol 2) – 1 (reprinted in British Heroes Reborn #1), 2 (reprinted in British Heroes Reborn #2), 11 Fantastic (reprinted in British Heroes Reborn #12)
- Fantastic Four (Vol 3) – 1 to 54, 60
- Fantastic Four (Vol 3) Annual 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
- Fantastic Four 1234 (Marvel knights) – 1 to 4
- Fantastic Four: Domination Factor – 1.1
- Fantastic Four: The Worlds Greatest Comics Magazine – 3, 7, 9, 10 to 12
- Fantastic Four Unlimited – 1, 3, 10, 11
- Fantastic Four vs. the X-Men – 1, 3, 4
- Firestar – 1 to 4
- Force Works – 1, 20
- The Further Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix – 1 to 4
- Galactic Guardians – 2
- Galactus the Devourer – 1 to 6
- Gambit & Bishop: Sons of the Atom – Alpha, 1 to 6
- Gambit (Vol 1) – 1 to 4 (reprinted in Gambit tpb)
- Gambit (Vol 3) – 1 to 25
- Gambit (Vol 3) Annual 1999, 2000
- Green Goblin (Vol 1) – 12 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 52)
- Generation X (Vol 1) – 1 to 4 (reprinted in Generation X tpb), 5 (reprinted in Amazing X-Men (British) #10 to 11), 6 (reprinted in Amazing X-Men (British) #12 to 13), 7 (reprinted in Amazing X-Men (British) #14 to 15), 8, 14, 17 to 20, 22, 24 to 36, 40, 50, 57, 58, 60, 63, 64, 71, 75
- Generation X Annual 1995 (reprinted in Amazing X-Men (British) #16 to 17), 1996, 1997
- Generation X Holiday Special
- Ghost Rider 2099 – 3
- Ghost Rider (Vol 2) – 26, 27 (reprinted in Amazing X-Men (British 1995) #12),
- Ghost Rider/Wolverine/Punisher – Hearts of Darkness
- Guardians of the Galaxy – 16, 24, 26, 27, 32, 58, 59
- Guardians of the Galaxy Annual 1
- Havok & Wolverine: Meltdown – 1 to 3
- Hawkeye: Earth’s Mightiest Marksman – 1
- Hell’s Angel – 1 to 4
- Heroes For Hire – 1 to 19
- Heroes For Hire & Quicksilver Annual 1998
- Heroes Reborn: Ashema, Doom, Doomsday, Masters of Evil, Rebel, Remnants, Young Allies
- Heroes Reborn: the Return – 1 to 4
- Hulk (Vol 1) – 126 (reprinted in Day of the Defenders), 181 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #16), 228 to 229 (reprinted in Thunderbolts: Marvel’s Most Wanted),336, 337, 340 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #17), 404, 426, 434, 444, 445, 465 to 467
- Hulk (Vol 1) Annual 1997
- Hulk (Vol 2) 7, 8
- Hulk and the Sub-Mariner Annual 1998
- Hulk Annual 2000
- Hulk and Hercules Unleashed – 1
- Hulk Smash (Marvel Knights) – 1
- Human Fly – 1
- Human Torch Comics – 5 (reprinted in Timely Comics Presents the Human Torch)
- Iceman (Icons) – 1, 2
- Imperial Guard – 1 to 3
- Infinity Crusade – 1 to 6
- Infinity Gauntlet – 1 to 6
- Infinity War – 1 to 6
- Inhumans (Vol 1) – 2 to 9
- Inhumans (Vol 2, Marvel Knights) - 1 to 12
- Inhumans (Vol 3) – 1 to 4
- Inhumans: The Great Refuge
- Inhumans: The Untold Saga
- Invaders (Vol 1) - 16
- Iron Fist (Vol 1) – 14 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #40)
- Iron Man (Vol 1) – 78 (reprinted in Iron Man (Vol 3) #46), 140 to 141 (reprinted in Iron Man (Vol 3) #46), 197 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II #33), 198 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II #46 and 49), 199 to 200 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II #52 to 53), 330, 332
- Iron Man (Vol 2) – 1 (reprinted in British Heroes Reborn #1), 2 (reprinted in British Heroes Reborn #2), 11 (reprinted in British Heroes Reborn #12)
- Iron Man (Vol 3) – 1 to 17, 19, 22 to 24, 27, 28, 30, 35, 46
- Iron Man & Captain America (Vol 3) Annual 1998
- Iron Man Annual 1999, 2001
- Iron Man: The Legend
- Iron Fist/Wolverine: The Return of K’un L’un – 1 to 4
- Journey Into Mystery (Vol 1) – 108 (reprinted in colour in British Fantastic Annual 1968), 506 to 508, 514 to 519
- Jungle Action – 8 (reprinted in Black Panther (Vol 2) #36)
- Ka-Zar the Savage – 1, 12, 29
- Ka-Zar (Vol 2) – 1 to 20
- Ka-Zar (Vol 2) Annual 1997
- Kingpin - 1
- Kitty Pryde & Wolverine – 1 to 6
- Kitty Pryde: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D – 1 to 3
- Longshot – 1
- Luke Cage: Power Man – 21 (reprinted in Thunderbolts (Vol 1) #39)
- Machine Man (Vol 1) – 6, 7, 10 to 19
- Machine Man (Vol 2) – 1 to 4
- Machine Man & Bastion Annual 1998
- Magik – 1, 2
- Magneto 1 to 4
- Magneto: Dark Seduction – 1 to 4
- Magneto Rex – 1 to 3
- Marc Spector: Moon Knight – 5
- Marvel Age – 30, 39, 91, 114, 118
- Marvel Age Annual 2, 4
- Marvel Boy (Marvel Knights) – 1 to 6
- Marvel Comics Presents – 1, 2, 6, 17, 23, , 24, 27, 36, 39, 45 to 47, 49, 51, 60, 72 to 84, 85 to 92 (Wolverine stories reprinted in colour in Wolverine: Blood Hungry), 93 (Wolverine story reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #35), 94, 95 (Wolverine story reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #35), 96, 97 to 98 (Wolverine stories reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #36), 99, 100, 104, 108, 121 (Wolverine story reprinted in British Essential X-Men #7), 126, 131, 148
- Marvel Fanfare (Vol 1) – 1 to 4, 33, 40, 51
- Marvel Fanfare (Vol 2) – 4 to 6
- Marvel Feature – 1 (reprinted in Day of the Defenders)
- Marvel Holiday Special 1993, 1996
- Marvel Knights (Vol 1, Marvel Knights)- 1 to 9, 11, 14, 15
- Marvel Knights (Vol 2), Marvel Knights) – 1
- Marvels – 1 to 4 (reprinted in Marvels tpb)
- Marvel Saga – 6, 7, 17, 19
- Marvel: Shadows and Light (1997) – 1
- Marvel: Shadows and Light (1998) - 1
- Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars (Vol 1) – 1 to 7, 8 (reprinted in British Secret Wars #17), 9 to 12 (Volume 2 comes under Secret Wars II)
- Marvel Super Heroes Summer Special – Summer 1990, Summer 1991, Summer 1992
- Marvel Super Heroes Winter Special - 1991
- Marvel Team-Up (Vol 1) – 1 to 3 (reprinted in British Essential Marvel Team-Up Volume 1), 4, (reprinted in colour in Marvel Tales #234), 5 to 24 (reprinted in British Essential Marvel Team-Up Volume 1), 26, 27 (reprinted in Marvel annual 1976), 65 to 66 (reprinted in Marvel Tales (Vol 1) #201 to 202), 69 (reprinted in Marvel Tales (Vol 1) #205), 70, 83, 89, 90 (reprinted in British Essential Marvel Team-Up Volume 1), 104, 109, 117, 118, 135, 149, 150
- Marvel Team-Up (Vol 2) – 1, 6, 8 to 11
- Marvel: The Lost Generation - 12
- Marvel Two-in-One – 26, 54 (reprinted in Thunderbolts: Marvel’s Most Wanted), 56 (reprinted in Thunderbolts: Marvel’s Most Wanted), 68, 71, 76 to 85, 87 to 89, 91 to 100
- Marvel Vision – 5, 11 to 15, 17 to 19, 21 to 30
- Master of Kung Fu (Vol 1) – 39, 105
- Maverick
- Maverick (Vol 1) – 1 (one shot)
- Maverick (Vol 1) – 1, 3 to 12
- Maximum Security – 1 to 3
- Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet
- Mephisto vs. – 2, 3
- Micronauts – 16, 37
- The Mighty World of Marvel (Vol 1) – 7 to 10 (reprinted in X-Men Archives #6), 11 to 13 (reprinted in Captain Britain (Moore & Davis) tpb), 14 to 16 (reprinted in Captain Britain (Davis & Delano) tpb)
- Morlocks (Vol 1) - 1
- Ms. Marvel – 3, 9, 16, 19
- Mutant X – 1
- Mutant X Annual 1999, 2000
- Muties – 1
- Mystique – 1 to 3
- Namor - 1
- Namor the Sub-Mariner – 24, 62, 124
- New Defenders – 127 to 129, 131 to 145, 148, 152
- New Eternals: Apocalypse Now
- New Mutants – 3, 6, 16, 28 (reprinted in X-Men Archives #3), 31, 34, 35, 36 to 37 (reprinted in Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #74 to 75), 38 to 51, 53 to 57, 60, 62 to 70, 71 to 73 (reprinted in X-Men: Inferno), 74 to 75, 88 to 91 (reprinted in colour in Cable and the New Mutants tpb), 93 to 94 (reprinted in colour in Cable and the New Mutants tpb), 95 to 97 (reprinted in X-Men: X-tinction Agenda tpb), 100
- New Mutants Annual – 4 to 7
- New Mutants: Truth or Death – 1 to 3
- New Mutants Special Edition – 1
- New Mutants (Vol 2) - 1, 2
- New Warriors )Vol 1) – 1, 14, 15, 25, 73
- New Warriors (Vol 1) Annual 3
- New Warriors (Vol 2) - 10
- Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D – 27 to 29
- Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D – 3, 6
- Nightcrawler (Icons) – 1
- Nightman/Gambit – 1 to 3
- Nightside 1 to 4
- Nomad – 1
- Nova (Vol 2) - 1
- Onslaught Epilogue
- Onslaught Marvel Universe
- Onslaught X-Men
- The Order – 1, 2, 5, 6
- Origin – 1 to 6
- Power Man and Iron Fist (Vol 1) – 66 (reprinted in colour in Sabretooth Classic #1), 84 (reprinted in colour in Sabretooth Classic #3), 100, 121 (reprinted in Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #67)
- Power Pack – 18 (reprinted in Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #65), 27 (reprinted in X-Men: Mutant Massacre tpb)
- Professor Xavier & the X-Men - 2, 6, 10
- Pryde and Wisdom – 1 to 3
- Psylocke & Archangel: Crimson Dawn – 1 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 59), 2 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 60), 3, 4 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 60),
- Punisher (Vol 1) - 11
- The Punisher (Vol 2) – 33, 47
- The Punisher Annual 1988
- Punisher War Zone - 22
- Quasar (Vol 1) – 5
- Quicksilver – 1 to 13
- Rawhide Kid (Vol 1) – 151
- Rise of Apocalypse – 1 to 4
- Rogue (Vol 1) – 1 to 4 reprinted in Rogue tpb)
- Rogue (Icons) – 1 to 4
- Rom (Vol 1) – 1, 17, 18, 31, 32
- Rom (Vol 1) Annual 3
- Runaways – 1 to 3
- Sabretooth – 1 to 4 (reprinted in Sabretooth: Death Hunt)
- Sabretooth and Mystique – 1
- Sabretooth: Mary Shelley Overdrive – 1, 2
- Sabretooth Special: The Red Zone (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 38),
- Saga of the Original Human Torch – 1 to 4
- Savage Sub-Mariner - 67
- Secret Defenders – 1 to 3, 15, 17, 22
- Secret Wars II – 1, 2, 3 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II #45), 4 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II #57), 5, 6, 8 (reprinted in Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #73), 9 (reprinted in Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #79 to 80)
- Sentry (Marvel Knights) – 1 to 5
- Sentry/Fantastic Four (Marvel Knights) – 1
- Sentry/Hulk (Marvel Knights) - 1
- Sentry/Spider-Man (Marvel Knights) – 1
- Sentry vs. the Void (Marvel Knights) - 1
- Sentry/X-Men (Marvel Knights) – 1
- S.H.I.E.L.D – 1
- Silver Sable (Vol 1) – 1 to 4, 32
- Silver Surfer (Vol 1) – 1 to 18 (reprinted in British Essential Silver Surfer Volume 1)
- Silver Surfer (Vol 3) – 10, 25, 54, 55, 70, 78, 115, 125, 138, 139, 146
- Silver Surfer (Vol 3) Annual 1998
- Sleepwalker – 1
- Soldier X – 1
- Soviet Super Soldiers - 1
- Amazing Fantasy – 15 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 18)
- Amazing Spider-Man (Vol 1) – 20 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 100), 51 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 57), 121 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 17), 122 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 18), 154 (reprinted in Marvel Tales (Vol 1) #131), 203 (reprinted in Marvel Tales (Vol 1) #230), 272 (reprinted in Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #71), 274 (reprinted in Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #76), 282 (reprinted in Marvel tales 290), 415, 416 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 53), 424 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 66), 425 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 69), 430 to 431 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 77), 435 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 83), 436, 437 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 87)
- Amazing Spider-Man (Vol 2) – 1, 4, 12, 36
- Peter & Mary Jane’s Spider-man Scrapbook 1999
- Peter Parker: Spider-Man (Vol 1) – 18 to 23 (reprinted in Spider-Man: Revenge of the Sinister 6 tpb), 98
- Peter Parker: Spider-Man (Vol 2) – 4, 7, 8, 11, 12
- Peter Parker: Spider-Man (Vol 2) Annual 1999, 2000
- Sensational Spider-Man – 8 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 51), 9 to 10 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 53), 13 to 15 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 63), 19 to 20 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 66), 28 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 83), 31 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 87)
- Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol 1) – 17 (reprinted in Marvel Tales (Vol 1) #228), 118 (reprinted in Marvel Tales (Vol 1) #229), 119 (reprinted in colour in Sabretooth Classic #5), 199, 235 to 236 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 46), 246 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 69), 263
- Spectacular Spider-Man Annual 8
- Spider-Man – 16, 72, 75 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 57), 88 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 77), 92 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 83), 94 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 87)
- Spider-Man and the Black Cat: The Evil That Men Do – 1 to 3
- Spider-Man/Marrow - 1
- Spider-Man’s Tangled Web – 5, 6
- Spider-Man Team-Up (Vol 1) – 1, 2, 5 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 46)
- Spider-Man Unlimited – 9 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 17), 13 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 51), 21
- Spider-Man & Wolverine (Marvel Knights) - 1
- Spider-Man vs. Wolverine – 1 (reprinted in three parts in British Wolverine Unleashed 34 to 36)
- Web of Spider-Man – 6 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II Special #1), 60, 113, 125 (reprinted in British Astonishing Spider-Man 18)
- Web of Spider-Man Annual 4
- Webspinners: Tales of Spider-Man – 3 to 6
- Spider-Woman (Vol 1) – 37, 38
- Starblast – 2
- Starmasters - 2
- Star Trek/X-Men: Second Contact – 1
- Storm – 1 to 4
- Strange Tales (Vol 1) – 123 (reprinted in Thunderbolts: Marvel’s Most Wanted), 141 to 143 (reprinted in Thunderbolts: Marvel’s Most Wanted), 150, 153, 155, 157, 159, 161, 163, 165, 167 (reprinted in colour in Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D tpb)
- Strange Tales (Vol 2) – 18
- Strong Guy - 1
- Sub-Mariner (Vol 1) – 22 (reprinted in Day of the Defenders), 34 to 35 (reprinted in Marvel Annual 1976), 72 (reprinted in titans Annual 1977)
- Sunfire & Big Hero 6 – 1 to 3
- Super-Villain Team-Up – 3, 5, 7, 9, 12
- Tales of the marvel universe - 1
- Tales of Suspense (Vol 1) – 41 (reprinted in colour in British Fantastic Annual 1968), 57 (reprinted in Thunderbolts (Vol 1) #39),60 (reprinted in Thunderbolts (Vol 1) #39), 64 (reprinted in Thunderbolts (Vol 1) #39)
- Taskmaster – 1
- Team X 2000 – 1
- Thanos: Infinity Abyss – 1, 2
- Thanos Quest - 1, 2 (reprinted in colour in The Thanos Quest)
- Thing (Vol 1) – 2, 3, 30 (reprinted in British Secret Wars II #61), 31 (reprinted in Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #70)
- Thor (Vol 1) – 133 (reprinted in Maximum Security: Thor vs. Ego), 160 to 161 (reprinted in Maximum Security: Thor vs. Ego), 282, 291, 292, 365 (reprinted in Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #66), 373 to374 (reprinted in X-Men: Mutant Massacre tpb), 412, 420 to 424, 428, 446
- Thor (Vol 2) – 1 to 6, 12, 14, 29, 41, 51
- Thor (Vol 2) Annual 1999, Annual 2000
- Thunderbolts – 1 to 2 (reprinted in Thunderbolts: First Strikes), 10, 12, 17 to 20, 22, 25 to 27, 29, 33, 35, 37, 39 to 58, 60 to 62, 65, 67to 69, 71
- Thunderbolts Annual 1997, 2000
- Thunderbolts: Life sentences
- Thunderstrike – 1, 2
- Uncanny Origins – 1, 2, 9, 11, 14
- Valkyrie – 1
- Vision and the Scarlet Witch (Vol 1) – 1 to 4
- Vision and the Scarlet Witch (Vol 2) – 1 to 12
- Warlock (M-Tech) 1 to 9
- Warlock and the Infinity Watch – 1 to 7, 10 to 16, 18, 22, 26, 27, 29
- Weapon X: The Draft – Kane/Agent Jackson, Marrow, Sauron, Wild Child/Aurora, Zero/Wolverine
- Weapon X (Vol 1) – 7, 8, 10
- What If? – 33, 74
- Logan: Path of the Warlord (part one reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #23)
- Logan: Shadow Society
- Wolverine (Vol 2) – 1 to 16 (reprinted in British Essential Wolverine (B &W) Volume 1), 17 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #51), 18 (reprinted in British Essential Wolverine (B &W) Volume 1), 19 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #53), 20 (reprinted in British Essential Wolverine (B &W) Volume 1), 21 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine and Gambit #55), 22 to 23 (reprinted in British Essential Wolverine (B &W) Volume 1), 24 (reprinted in British Essential Wolverine Volume 2), 25 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #20), 26 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #37), 27 to 39 (reprinted in British Essential Wolverine Volume 2), 40 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #5), 41 to 42 (reprinted in Wolverine: Triumphs and Tragedies tpb), 43 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #8), 44 to 46 (reprinted in British Essential Wolverine Volume 2), 47 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #11), 49 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #13), 50 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #14), 51 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #16), 52 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #17), 53 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #18), 55 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #19), 56 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #20), 61 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #23), 72 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #34), 73 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #35), 74 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #36), 76 to 77 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #37), 81 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #40), 85 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 19 and 20), 87 to 89 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #43), 90 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #44), 91, 92 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #45), 93, 94, 95 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #46), 96, 99 to 100 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 44), 101 to 105, 107 to 108 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #51), 109, 110 to 111 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #53), 113, 114 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine and Gambit #55), 115 to 118, 125 to 130, 132 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine and Gambit #68), 133, 134, 138, 140, 142 to 143 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine and Gambit #74), 144, 145 to 147, 150 to 176
- Wolverine Annual 1995, 1006, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001
- Wolverine (Vol 3) - 1
- Wolverine and Cable: Guts and Glory – 1
- Wolverine and the Punisher - 3
- Wolverine: Black Rio (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #45 to 46)
- Wolverine: Bloodlust - (part two reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #8),
- Wolverine: Doombringer
- Wolverine Encycopedia – Volume 1, Volume 2
- Wolverine/Gambit: Victims – 1 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #11), 3 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #13), 4 (reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #14),
- Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure
- Wolverine: Knight of Terre (part 3 reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #34)
- Wolverine Limited Series – 1 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #5), 4 (reprinted in Wolverine: Triumphs and Tragedies tpb)
- Wolverine Minus 1
- Wolverine/Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection – 1 (part one reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #18, part two reprinted in British Wolverine Unleashed #19, part three in British Wolverine Unleashed #20)
- Wolverine/Punisher: Revelation – 1 to 4
- The Wolverine Saga – 1 to 4
- Wolverine: Xisle – 1, 2
- Wonder Man – 1, 10
- X-51 – 1 to 12
- X-Factor (Vol 1) – 6, 9 to 11 (reprinted in X-Men: Mutant Massacre tpb), 16, 18 to 20. 22, 28, 30, 32, 36 to 39 (reprinted in X-Men: Inferno), 45, 52 to 55, 60 to 62 (reprinted in X-Men: X-tinction Agenda tpb), 63 to 68, 69 (reprinted in Amazing X-Men (British) #12), 70 to 108, 109 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 23), 110 to 149
- X-Factor (Vol 1) Annual 3 to 8
- X-Factor Minus 1
- X-Factor (Vol 2) - 1
- X-Force (Vol 1) – 1 to 3, 5 to 7, 10 to 18, 20 to 22, 25, 29 to 31, 35 to 37, 39 to 41, 44, 45, 47, 49, 51 to 55, 57 to 71, 75, 77 to 79, 84, 85, 87 to 89, 93 to 97, 99, 100, 102 to 104, 106, 114 to 117, 119, 123
- X-Force (Vol 1) Annual 1, 3, 1996, 1997, 1998 (with Champions), 1999
- X-Man (Vol 1) – 1 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 26), 2 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 28), 3 to 9, 10 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 40), 11 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 41), 12 to 28, 37, 38 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 19), 44, 46, 47, 50, 53 to 56, 59, 60, 63, 72, 75
- X-Man (Vol 1) Annual 1997, 1998
- X-Man Minus 1
- Classic X-Men – 1 to 13 (reprinted in colour in X-Men: Vignettes)
- New X-Men – 114 to 132, 138 to 143
- Uncanny X-Men – 1 to 24, 35 (reprinted in Marvel Tales (Vol 1) #233), 40 (reprinted in titans Annual 1977), 45 (reprinted in colour in Marvel Triple Action #45), 56 to 63 (reprinted in colour in X-Men Visionaries 2), 64 (reprinted in Marvel Super Heroes 376), 65 (reprinted in colour in X-Men Visionaries 2), Giant-Size X-Men 1 (reprinted in colour in British Essential X-Men #75), 98 (reprinted in colour in X-Men (Vol 2) #109), 107 to 108 (reprinted in colour in Classic X-Men #15), 109 (reprinted in Wolverine: Triumphs and Tragedies tpb), 114 to 115 (reprinted in colour in Classic X-Men #21), 116 to 120 (reprinted in colour in Classic X-Men #22 to 26), 123 (reprinted in colour in Classic X-Men #29), 130, 131, 136 (reprinted in colour in Classic X-Men #42), 138 (reprinted in colour in Classic X-Men #44), 139 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine Unleashed #37), 120 to 142 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men (B & W) Volume 2), 143 (reprinted in colour in X-Men (Vol 2) #109), 144 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men (B & W) Volume 2), 145 to 156 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men (B & W) Volume 3), 157 (reprinted in colour in X-Men Classic #61), 158 to 161 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men (B & W) Volume 3), 164 (reprinted in colour in X-Men Classic #68), 167 to 170 (reprinted in B&W in X-Men: Target Angel), 171 to 176 (reprinted in colour in X-Men Classic #75 to 80), 177, 178 to 179 (reprinted in colour in X-Men Classic #82 to 83), 180 to 184, 185 (reprinted in colour in X-Men Classic #89), 186, 187 (reprinted in colour in X-Men Classic #91), 188, 189 (reprinted in colour in X-Men Classic #93), 190 to 193 (reprinted in colour in X-Men Classic #94 to 97), 194, 195, 196 to 197 (reprinted in colour in X-Men Classic #100 to 101), 198, 199 (reprinted in colour in X-Men Classic #103), 200, 201 (reprinted in colour in X-Men Classic #105), 202 to 204, 205 (reprinted in colour in X-Men Classic #109), 206 to 209, 210 to 212 (reprinted in X-Men: Mutant Massacre tpb), 213 to 238, 239 to 243 (reprinted in X-Men: Inferno), 244 to 255, 256 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 7), 257, 259 to 265, 267 (reprinted in colour in British Wolverine and Gambit #68), 268, 269, 270 to 272 (reprinted in X-Men: X-tinction Agenda tpb), 273 to 277, 278 (reprinted in Amazing X-Men (British) #10), 279 (reprinted in Amazing X-Men (British) #11), 280 (reprinted in Amazing X-Men (British) #13), 281 to 286, 287 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 35), 288 to 300, 301 to 303 (reprinted in colour in British Essential X-Men (colour) #2), 304 to 306, 307 (reprinted in colour in Bloodties tpb), 308 to 313, 314 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 16), 315 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 17), 316, 317 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 20), 318, 319 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 22), 320 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 23), 321, 322 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 33), 323 to 324 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 35), 325 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 36), 326 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 37), 327, 328 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 38), 329 to 330 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 40), 331 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 43), 332 to 412, 418, 420 to 427
- Uncanny X-Men Annual 3 to 5 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men (B & W) Volume 3), 8 to 18, Annual 1995, Annual 1996, Annual 1997, Annual 1998, Annual 1999, Annual 2000, Annual 2001
- Uncanny X-Men Minus 1
- X-Men (Vol 2) – 1 to 8, 9 (reprinted in Amazing X-Men (British 1995) #11), 10, 11, 13 to 24, 25 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 7), 26 (reprinted in colour in Bloodties tpb), 27, 28, 30 to 32, 33 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 16), 34 to 35 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 17), 36 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 19), 37 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 20), 38 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 22), 39, 40 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 23), 41 to 44, 45 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 36), 46 to 47 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 37), 48, 49, 50 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 41), 51 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 43), 52 to 113 (titles carried on as New X-Men #114)
- X-Men (Vol 2) Annual – 1 to 3, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
- X-Men/Alpha Flight – 1, 2
- X-Men/Alpha Flight: The Gift
- X-Men Archives – 3, 6
- X-Men: Black Sun – 1 to 5
- X-Men: Books of Askani
- X-Men Brood: Day of Wrath – 1 to 2
- X-Men: Children of the Atom – 1 to 6
- X-Men & Clandestine – 1 to 2
- X-Men Declassified – 1
- X-Men Forever – 1 to 6
- X-Men: The Hellfire Club – 1 to 4
- X-Men: The Hidden Years – 1 to 9, 11 to 21
- X-Men: Liberators – 1, 4
- X-Men: Magik – 1 to 4
- X-Men: Magneto War – 1
- X-Men and the Micronauts – 1 to 4
- X-Men Minus 1
- X-Men: Phoenix – 1 to 3
- X-Men: Prime (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 33),
- X-Men: The Search for Cyclops – 1 to 4
- X-Men: Spotlight on the Starjammers – 1
- X-Men: True Friends – 1 to 3
- X-Men Unlimited – 1 to 3, 5 to 10, 11 (reprinted in British Essential X-Men 45), 12 to 39, 45, 47 to 49
- X-Men vs. the Avengers – 1 to 4
- X-Men Yearbook 1999
- X.S.E – 1 to 4
- X-Terminators – 1, 2, 3
- X-treme X-Men - 1 to 13, 15 to 18, 23 to 27
- X-treme X-Men: Savage Land – 1 to 4
- X-treme X-Men Annual 2001
- Youngblood/X-Force – 1
- Young Men – 24 (reprinted in Marvel Super Heroes #20),
Collected Issues
- Amazing Adventures (Vol 2) - 2
- Bloodties tpb
- British Astonishing Spider-Man – 17, 18, 46, 51 to 53, 57, 63, 66, 69, 77, 83, 87, 100
- British Essential Avengers (B & W) - Volume 2, Volume 3
- British Essential Marvel Team-Up (B & W) - Volume 1
- British Essential Silver Surfer (B & W) - Volume 1
- British Essential Wolverine (B & W) – Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
- British Essential X-Men (B & W) – Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
- British Essential X-Men (colour) – 2, 7, 16, 17, 19 to 33, 5 to 38, 40, 41, 43 to 45, 59, 60, 75
- British Fantastic Annual 1968
- British Fantastic Four Annual 1979
- British Heroes Reborn – 1, 2, 12
- British Wolverine Unleashed – 5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16 to 21, 23, 34 to 37, 40, 43 to 46, 51, 53 (renamed British Wolverine and Gambit)
- British Wolverine and Gambit – 55, 68, 74
- British X-Men Annual
- Cable and the New Mutants tpb
- Captain Britain (Davis & Delano) tpb
- Captain Britain (Moore & Davis) tpb
- Classic X-Men – 15, 21 to 26, 29, 42, 44
- Conan Classic #10
- Contest Of Champions tpb
- Day of the Defenders
- Deadpool: Sins of the past
- Gambit tpb
- Generation X tpb
- Marvel Annual 1976 (British)
- Marvel’s Greatest Comics – 31
- Marvels
- Marvel Super Action – 35
- Marvel Super Heroes – 20
- Marvel Super Heroes (British) - 376
- Marvel Tales – 131, 201, 202, 205, 228 to 230, 232 to 234, 240
- Marvel Triple Action – 45, 47
- Maximum Security: thor vs. Ego
- Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D tpb
- Rogue tpb
- Sabretooth Classic
- Sabretooth: Death Hunt
- Secret Wars I (British) – 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 to 13, 15 to 18, 29 to 31
- Secret Wars II (British) – 32 to 80
- Secret Wars II Special (British) – 1, 2
- Spider-Man: Revenge of the Sinister 6 tpb
- The Thanos Quest
- Thunderbolts: First Strikes
- Thunderbolts: Marvel’s Most Wanted
- Timely Comics Presents the Human Torch
- Titans Annual 1977
- Wolverine: Blood Hungry
- Wolverine: Triumphs and Tragedies tpb
- X-Men: Bishop (reprinted Mountjoy crisis from Bishop #1 – 4)
- X-Men Classic – 61, 68, 75 to 80, 82, 83, 89, 91, 93, 94 to 97, 100, 101, 103, 105, 107, 109
- X-Men: Inferno
- X-Men: Mutant Massacre
- The X-Men Pocket Book - 20
- X-Men: Target Angel
- X-Men: The Early Years – 8, 12
- X-Men: Vignettes
- X-Men Visionaries - 2
- X-Men: X-tinction Agenda tpb