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Jason Tighe
    ED 689   
WWW: Curriculum and Instruction        05SUED660LB

Connecticut Teacher Technology Competencies – 
Professional Development Opportunities : Computer Technology 2005
     III. Productivity and Professional Practice
           D. Identify, use, and evaluate technology to support the learning process for all students
               ongoing professional development.

Technology Enhancing Educational Communications

Workshop Description:  
Electronic communications are becoming more prevalent in high school curricula. This workshop will include several hands-on activities to engage teachers in course management systems and many communication tools such as email, listservs, and discussion boards. We will collaborate in groups to develop skills to apply to your particular curriculum. You will become comfortable with the application of online resources for information analysis and creative projects. Participant will leave with practical strategies for the integration of computer-mediated communications with a sense of comfort and integral importance. 

Participants must have word document skills as well as basic Web browsing and email ability. Be familiar with Internet research sites in your subject area. Also, bring an example of what may be an important and valuable Web-site to integrate into your curriculum in some way. Be prepared to present that site and explain why you chose it. Other specific content of the workshop will be tailored to the needs of the participants. 

    3 Days

Who should attend:
Educators interested in integrating technology not only into the classroom curriculum but also as a means to promote learning and communications to continue beyond the classroom setting for learners of all types.

Framing Question:

How can we integrate technology into the curriculum to extend communications with students in and out of the classroom in order to address each individual learner within the whole learning experience when the availability of these tools does not guarantee meaningful use and practice and attempts to do so often result in frustration?

» Participants use telecommunications to collaborate, publish and interact with peers, experts and other audiences.
» Participants use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.

Participants will become comfortable with and have a working proficiency of electronic communications, Web-site usage, and Internet resources to enhance their curriculum and better engage all students in more internalized and meaningful learning.
Participants will:    
Use technology tools and resources for managing and communicating personal/professional information
» Routinely and efficiently use online information resources to meet needs for collaboration, research, publication, communication, and productivity
» Select and apply technology tools for research, information analysis, problem-solving and decision-making in content learning
» Collaborate with peers, experts and others to contribute to a content-related knowledge base by using technology to compile, synthesize, produce and disseminate information, models and other creative works

Presented by:
    The Tighe Education Technology Consortium

Date / Location:

    August 15 - 17

High School English Internet Integration Activities

Technology Curriculum Integration Ideas!