P2 S 1,2. The sign. Occasion. T f 3,4. Need. Manifested. g 5. Servants. The Lord's command. U 6. The vessels T g 7,8. Servants. The Lord's command. f 9,10. Need. Supplied. S 11,12. The Sign. Explanation.
The signification is the same in each case, as to Messiah. In the first He "manifested forth His glory" (2:11); in the eighth He "manifested Himself" (21:14, note the same word in each): as to Israel, it was to manifest the depth of the nations destitution. He alone could supply that need by becoming "the glory of His People Israel" (Luke 2:32). Apart from Messiah, Israel could have no joy, no supplies, no blessing, no glory.
The first sign signified that need: "they have no wine" (2:3), while the last signified that with all toil they had "caught nothing", and had "no meat"; but it signified also that Messiah could supply both the one and the other- sustenance and joy.
Religion with all its punctilious observances could supply neither. Religion grossly corrupted (cp. Isa.1:22), was in full evidence: the "waterpots" and the "purifying of the Jews" only manifested the truth of the inspired indictment of Isa.1:10-23; while the next recorded event (John 2:13-16) manifested that they were destitute of all idea of true worship of Jehovah.
The discourses which followed carried the signification further, and showed that this spiritual destitution could be remedied only by Divine gifts; yes, in spiritual regeneration and resurrection.
Nicodemus, who was attracted by the signs (3:2), sought their signification, and was taught the need of spiritual birth from Ezek.36:24-32. The word "must" of 3:7 and 3:14 enforced and explained it; while the gift of God (v.16) was the only answer to his question "How"?
From Jerusalem and a ruler He goes to Samaria (4:4), like Peter in a later day (Acts 8:14-25); and again shows, to a Samarian woman, the need of spiritual worship, enforcing it by the same "must" (4:24); and answering her question "How"? by the same "gift of God" (4:10).
When Messiah gives joy to the nation, it will be filled "up to the brim" (2:7. Cp.Isa.9:2-7. John 21:11); and when He fills the Land with restored Israel in resurrection, it will be the last one (Ezek37:12-14). For in the 8th sign Messiah was the Caller, signifying that He will be the Gatherer (Jer.31:10); while the seven disciples (John 21:2) signify the spiritual perfection with which Israel will be gathered, yes, "one by one" (Isa.27:12) to the last one ("153")=in Biblical numerics-fruit gathering. For "though Israel be sifted among nations, as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth" (Amos 9:9).
26 A.D.
John 2)
1 And the third day (i.e. the 3rd day after the last event [1:43-51], i.e. the 7th day. Cp. the 1st [1:19-28]; 2nd [29-34]; 3rd [1:35-42]; 4th [1:43-51]. In Genesis, after 6 days there comes a marriage) there took place a marriage feast (as in Matt.22:2 &c. Sometimes lasting a week. Family - kinsman) in Cana of Galilee (Now Kefr Kenna, on the road from Nazareth to Tiberias. So called to distinguish it from Cana in Asher.); and the mother of Jesus was there: (i.e. was already there when the Lord arrived.)
2 And both Jesus was invited, and His disciples (probably 6 in number: viz. Andrew, Simon, Philip, Nathanael, with James and John [ Matt. 1:16-20].), to the marriage. (1st event of the 2nd advent)
3 And when the wine failed (quite a serious calamity. Wine=Heb. yayin - fermented wine of all kinds), the mother of Jesus (never called Mary in this Gospel. She became John's "mother" [19:26,27) said to Him, "They have no wine."
4 Jesus said to her, "Woman (quite a respectful form of address. Not as in Eng. In Greek authors = Madam), what have I to do with you? (A Hebraism [2 Sam. 16:10) My hour is not yet come." (Marking a crisis, which is noted in v. 11. A characteristic expression in this Gospel. See 7:6.)
5 His mother said to the servants, "Whatsoever He says to you, do it." (Mary's last recorded words. She knew of His power.)
6 And there were set there six jars of clay, according to the manner of (proportioned to the number of the guests) the purifying (will not tolerate impurities) of the Jews (i.e. Judah), containing two or three firkins apiece. (9 gallons)
7 Jesus said to them, "Fill (the 1st sign. See "cast", 21:6) the jars of clay with water." And they filled them up to the brim.
8 And He saith to them, "Draw out now, and bear to the governor of the feast." And they bare it.
9 When the governor of the feast had tasted the water that had become wine (symbolizes His blood covenant with our clay bodies), and knew not what it was: (but the servants which had drawn the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom,
10 And said to Him, "Every man at the beginning does set forth good wine; and when men have drunk freely (intoxicated), then that which is inferior (This is man's way: i.e. give the good thing 1st, and the worst thing after. God's way is always the opposite. See. Ex. 15:2): but You have kept the good wine until now."
11 This beginning of the signs did Jesus in Cana of Galilee (translated mean "circuit"), and manifested forth His glory (this is the key to the signification of the eight signs of this Gospel. See 1:4); and His disciples believed on Him. (400 years since the "Jews" had seen a miracle. The last was in Da. 6.)
12 After this He went down to Capernaum (translated means "compassion". Now Tell Hum), He, and His mother, and His brethren, and his disciples: and they continued there not many days.
O V 2:13. Passover at hand. W 2:14-22. Event. Cleansing of the Temple. V 2:23-25. Passover arrived. W 3:1-21. Event. Colloquy with Nicodemus.13 And the Jews' (Judah & Judea) passover was at hand (celebrated by all 12 tribes of Israel, but they were separated from each other. After the revival under Ezra and Nehemiah corruption proceeded apace, and the Lord found the nation as described in Malachi. Hence, what were once "the feasts of Yahaveh" are spoken of as what they had then become, "feast of the Jews" [5:1; 6:4; 7:2; 11:55; 19:42]. See 1:19.), and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
W h 14-16. Driving not. Action. i 17. Discipline. Remembrance of Scripture. h 18-21. Driving out. Questioned. i 22. Disciples. Remembrance of Scripture.14 And found in the temple (see Matt. 23:16) those that sold oxen and sheep and doves (offering not the best they had), and the changers of money sitting: (playing church)
17 And His disciples remembered that it is written, "The zeal of Your house has eaten me up." (Quoted from Ps. 69:9. God's own church turned on Him rather than teach God's Word.)
18 Then answered the Jews (residents of Judea, not necessarily of the tribe of Judah.) and said to Him, "What sign (same as "miracle", v. 11.) do You show to us [that You are the Messiah], seeing that You do these things?" (They are asking Him by what authority)
19 Jesus answered and said to them, "Destroy this Temple (The Cross. Rev. 21:22-24), and in three days I will raise it up." (The Lord's enemies remembered His words, and perverted them: saying, "I will destroy" &c. See Matt. 26:61; Mark 14:58.)
20 Then said the Jews, "Forty and six years (begun 20 B.C. See Josephus, Wars, I. xxi. I.) was this temple in building, and will You raise it up in three days?"
21 But He was speaking concerning the Temple that is to say His body.
22 When therefore He was risen out from dead people (see Matt. 17:9.), His disciples remembered that He had spoke this to them (cp. v. 17. They remembered it after His resurrection, and believed it. Contrast His enemies); and they believed the scripture (i.e. that the scripture was true. Here, probably Ps. 16:10.), and the word which Jesus had said. (Gr. logos. Because the Word is true)
23 Now when He was in Jerusalem in the passover, in the feast day, many believed in Him (this is the Temple. He became the Passover), beholding the miracles which He was doing.
24 But Jesus [for His part] did not trust Himself to them, because He Himself knew all men, (He knows the mind of Humans.)
25 And needed not that any should bear witness of mankind: for He knew what was in humans. (He knew they couldn't accept the truth. He loves us regardless of this. This attribute elsewhere attributed only to Yehovah [Jer. 17:16; 20:12]. Here this knowledge was universal, and individual)